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Searon Digital Tachos

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Hi all, as part of 2019 flying prep I am fitting a new Moster 185 Plus MY'19 to my Scout so its ready for when I am confident enough to step away from my Parajet V3 Sky Tractor.

Nothing wrong with the V3 but after my 1st school flight and subsequent new carbon cage I decided the Scout was not the tool for learning on and bought a V3 cage and performed a engine swap.

I still have the Scouts mashed carbon spars in my workshop as a reminder to not rush! Currently I have only 50 flights under my belt so probably holding off till flight 100, optomistic for 2019 :)

I actually really like the V3 but with the Scout's cool carbon features and torque correction I think its the next progression. I also like the idea of having a backup should I have any engine problems in the summer, it only happens on flying days!

I had a few niggles but overall big Moster fan and  as I already carry the spares seems logical to stick on that path.

To the topic.

When I performed the original engine transplant I took over the Safe Start system, throttle and combined instruments so I'm looking for a new instrument for temp, rpm and hour counter.

I found this SRT-35T Multi function meter and it seems to do all I need. 


Has anyone had any experience of it?

Seems cheep enough on Amazon, 45 Euros here, so ok for a punt but just doing my due diligence :)

Still undecided if I will use the Parajet throttle that came with the frame or to get a Vittorazi one.

Feedback apreciated.

Engine transplant here:






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Hi all, I decided to take a punt and the meter arrived today.

Actually went for the Runleader RL HM028 A Inductive Tachometer with Backlit Display Time Thermometer.

Just under 30 Euros from Amazon and 1st impression is good.

Screen is bigger than the default unit I had on the Scout and much easier to read.

After a bit of faf in the menu, a RTFM moment, I set the clock and CHT temp limit alarm, seemed easy enough really.

I tested it on a bench supply and browns out at around 4.5V, not bad as it can run upto 24V, and by brown out I mean the back light start to flicker, digits still solid.

I will connect a small 2 cell LiPo as the primary supply as very small and will give a solid 7V plus.

I struggled to measure any current so probably one charge a season will be enough and the internal battery will save the data during any charge periods.

Mechanically seems well built so at this time a thumbs up!

Will install with the new engine this weekend.

Taking the chance to also swap out all the old fuel lines as not as flexible as they used to be, like us all!


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  • 2 weeks later...

Does anyone really look at these much? I have one fitted and rarely look at it. I tried it on the swing arm, but too close in to see easily. It is now attached to the harness, near the chest strap. Can't be seen, but can easily be lifted forward in flight to be able to glance at it.  

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I had a early engine fail that maybe I would have spotted if I had been watching engine temps so I'm now paranoid enough to check CHT on takoff and periodically in flight.

I keep a log book for the engine and for each flight record the takoff (max temp) and cruse temps as interested to see if there is a trend.

In fairness tacho is questionable but maybe useful to understand level cruse engine speed and if I have a problem will be useful diagnostic as opposed to if feels like full revs.

The instrument also logs flight and total house but so does my Garmin watch app so maa, belt, braces and tape :)

Do I need it, no but in the end it was discounted on Amazon for 29.99 euros so almost rude not to have one for the new engine.


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Got the print back today, 'Like a Glove' very happy with the finish.

When the snow goes I'll run in the new engine and give it a proper review.

Tony, not sure what instrument you have but the model is here:






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Cheers David

It looks the same size, but I think it is a different make.  To be honest I enjoy designing it myself and printing it out.

The above design looks a lot more basic than mine, but more workable!  lol

I still fine it hard to see, so planning to move it onto the harness.

Should be interesting to see how you get on with it - when it's flyable....


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