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We are in training and Gary has ordered his equipment. I, in turn, am leaning toward a quad and I need some opinions on what quad, wing size and motor size. My instructor stays pretty busy and I'm just not willing to just "buy whatever he tells me to" without investigating. Thanks in advance for any knowledge and help. Kasi

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Take a look at the Blackhawk quads from the USA :-) 

I am not sure who your instructor is, but its unlikely that he 'told' you to buy something. Part of the job of an instructor is to advise when asked. If you trust your instructor to send you into the skies, you should also trust his advice. (which will almost certainly be based on experience) 

Welcome to the Paramotor Club. 



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Actually, he does not have much experience in quads at all and isn't sure what I should purchase, that is why I was asking for opinions. He has thrown ideas out there and said he would check around, but, as I said, he is very busy and hasn't come up with anything certain as of yet.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Quads are not that popular compared to Trikes and there are not many to choose from.. If your instructor can not recommend a good one that suits you, Best to just have a good look around choose the one that you like and suits you or your paramotor..  The only ones that spring to mind would be the Nirvana quad and the Kangook but i think these are designed for there own Paramotor frames. I have seen a few Nivana Quads at international comps and they look good.. imo...  

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Gary, that's simply not true. 

The trike you are flying is illegal. I have explained this to you more than once, the insurance company has explained it to you more than once, and the CAA's message on the subject is super clear,  yet you will not hear it and continue to fly it. Why you would expect an instructor to get involved other than to advise against is strange. 

For the record, ANYONE who wants to learn to fly a trike with us can do so assuming the aircraft is properly classified as a sub70kg!

Your attitude is also something that would benefit from some adjustment if your looking for help.

You also told me that you were already trained on the trike and wanted insurance... Now it seems, you need training???  so which is it? 


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I thank you all for the responses. At this time, I'm feeling safer about foot launching, so I am going to give it a try and make a decision afterwards. I think, if I feel comfortable foot launching, I will stick w/that idea. If not, I will check into the options you all have sent me. Again, thanks for throwing ideas out. I truly appreciate it.

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I would say there were allot of illegal trikes out there that do not really come under the 70kg cat but are still regularly sold in the UK, 

You even see tandem trikes being sold in the UK, I saw two at the PMC fly in.. i did not see them flying tho...  Is it really down to the Owner/customer to make the choice to buy an ilegal trike/quad or is it up the the manufacturer/dealer to not sell the Ilegal trike set up.. 

If there were no drug addicts there would be any drug dealers and visa versa ...  

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1 hour ago, Mark Morgan said:

If there were no drug addicts there would be any drug dealers and visa versa ...  

The difference is it is not illegal to sell an 'illegal to use trike' in the Uk. That think this is THE major encouragement for the use of illegal trikes.

Make them illegal to sell them and supply would fizzle out over night. However, it is unlikely parliament will be debating this soon.

Alternatively, machines sellers could resort to advertising themselves as fully ethical and only selling equipment legal to use in the UK. It would only take one to do this, then it would make all the others look very out of place! Let's see what happens! :)




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Looking at this issue the other round, is the problem that people buy and fly trikes which are illegal in the UK or is the problem that the CAA (Campaign Against Aviation I have heard it called) have chosen to adopt a weight limit of 70 Kgs which may be considered by many to be unreasonable?

I personally believe that a heavier trike is safer on the ground as it will be less liable to tip over, and maybe this is the view that has been adopted in Europe. It will still fly at 25 mph or so so is unlikely to be a great hazard to members of the public in the event of a forced landing. We owe it to everyone around us not to be a danger to them as much as we owe it to ourselves.

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2 hours ago, AndyB said:

The difference is it is not illegal to sell an 'illegal to use trike' in the Uk. That think this is THE major encouragement for the use of illegal trikes.

Make them illegal to sell them and supply would fizzle out over night. However, it is unlikely parliament will be debating this soon.

Alternatively, machines sellers could resort to advertising themselves as fully ethical and only selling equipment legal to use in the UK. It would only take one to do this, then it would make all the others look very out of place! Let's see what happens! :)




Alternatively, simply make them legal.........problem solved.

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4 hours ago, AndyB said:

The difference is it is not illegal to sell an 'illegal to use trike' in the Uk. That think this is THE major encouragement for the use of illegal trikes.

Make them illegal to sell them and supply would fizzle out over night. However, it is unlikely parliament will be debating this soon.

Alternatively, machines sellers could resort to advertising themselves as fully ethical and only selling equipment legal to use in the UK. It would only take one to do this, then it would make all the others look very out of place! Let's see what happens! :)




I doubt it would only take just one, Without sounding like Dell again and being holly than.... as simon called me.. HAHAHA... Mac fly do a tandem (BIG) trike and i would never sell one to anyone in the UK..  No sure on the All up weight as I have no interest in selling one even for "single" seat use... 

You can easily buy a New Tandem trike off ebay from a UK dealer!!  He must know it's illegal and is putting profit first... When this comes onto the secondhand market or even when new, There must be new pilots out there getting stung/ripped off or people not giving a sh!t..  If the dealers or manufacturers stopped it this wouldn't be happening..   Well thats just tandem trikes but the CAA have been kind enough to allow trikes to be flown in the de reg cat so this is what we have to play with..  .


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2 hours ago, Guy said:

Alternatively, simply make them legal.........problem solved.

It's not just the PPG trikes tho.. also SSDR flex wings that travel allot faster than us and all come under the same category..  I think 70 kg is plenty for a PPG trike set up..  If you want to fly a heavier trike get an NPPL M  

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21 hours ago, Guy said:

Alternatively, simply make them legal.........problem solved.

But my trike weighs less than 15 Kg and my legs currently don't work so well. Trikes over 70Kg are already illegal to use, but not illegal to sell. 

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1 hour ago, admin (Simon W) said:

They are not illegal to sell or fly (with the correct licence) 



If as well as going for trike, you also go for proper radio gear, radio licence and pilot licence! I meant flying just as PPG still. Free as a bird and free of free of licence! :)

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  • 5 years later...

At the end of the day a trike over 70kilos doesn’t fly by its self so to the letter of the law in court the dealer can sell it here in the uk

Fit for purpose designed to fly meant to fly and over 70 kilo however in court without a pilot and a wing it’s just a few bits of metal and rubber bolted together

its not the sellers fault although a strong caution should be given to anyone considering this route without a full licence

My bigger concern is anyone stupid enough to consider doing this without insurance is the greater threat.


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