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Photo Weirdness


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Good dark October evening to you!

I am hoping someone can shed some light on this photo. 

My wife and I decided to climb a hill , which we do from time to time. This one wasnt very high compared to the others we normally do and the weather was poor.. We got to the top and at the small monument at whats called "the bishops seat" I heard a plane roaring above my head. Couldnt see it because it was grey, low cloud, windy and raining but being a bit geeky I knew by the sound of the engines it was on its climb to cruising altitude, out of Glasgow, 30km away, likely bound for somewhere across the Atlantic. We hung around for maybe 10 mins as my wife took photographs of the hill etc. Then I headed down the hill as it was raining and just wanted to get back to the car. As I am heading down the hill she takes more photographs and later at home, while she is going through the photos she says "Thats weird, one of the photos has gone a bit orange -and there is a plane in it." Now, she sometimes puts filters on and snapchat animations etc so we figured it must have been that  -because I have never seen a plane in this area, (except RAF) at that height and direction(they are usually either fighters or prop cargo planes) AND with its landing gear down too..it looks like a passenger plane  - we went through her phone and I cant see any filters that would add a plane...but I am convinced I would have noticed the plane from where I am on the hill -I am off to the left  of the photo -- -just looks 'plane' wrong to me!! Any ideas?  Here's the link to the photo: https://www.dropbox.com/s/rnd31j69j1vdz18/IMG_0719[1].JPG?dl=0

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Bishops Seat Hill Dunoon


Hopefully the link will show the location. Its the river Clyde and we live in a town on the west side of the river.  We do see military Hercules fairly regularly going down the middle of the river at low altitude in a southerly direction, however the plane in the photo doesnt look like a Herc. The tail shape isnt right and it just looks to me like a passenger airliner. Also it appears to have landing gear down and its not near the approach to Glasgow Intl or Prestwick. Where I live I have a home/office and looking out the window I can see at night, the planes approaching Glasgow airport 36k in the distance, then the lights go out because the planes turn for final. My thinking is that its a phone glitch.



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