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Custom Air & Air Conception Support

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I just want to put a shout out there for CustomAir, Vince and Air Conception.

I've been up in scotland for a vacation/flying. And on my 2nd flight on the air conception nitro something went ping soon after take off... I couldn't work out what was wrong at first as things seemed fine. Then when I went to tick over at 3000 feet, I noticed the prop was still spinning - no clutch any more.

On landing I found the clutch had gone and locked on - the pads breaking up and locking on.

It happens - no biggy - I used to have a top80 and the clutch went on that once too.

But now I was in scotland 3 days into a 14 days flying holiday with no paramotor.

Vince had one in stock - turns out they had some issues with the clutch glue on some clutches, it was sorted quick by AC, and he had the new ones in.  He got it to me next day WITH the puller tool I needed to stick the new one on.

30 mins of fitting later (via 3 great step by step youtube videos), and I was back in the air for 2 more great flights before the weather closed in and the only paramotoring you were gonna be doing was one way trips to Sweden :-/

All our motors are made in small numbers by little companies. They are all suffer failures or problems here and there.

What I have been very impressed with so far is how air conception cope with these when they are reported - they seem to constantly be making small updates whenever issues do occur, and make there customers aware of them asap (via Vince, etc), and they have great dealers such as Vince with parts in stock ready to help when stuff needs.

Sometimes folk are quick to moan, but not so quick to praise, so I thought a thank you was in order.



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Many thanks Stu been looking at A/C Nitro 200 and spares & weight could be a persuader, especially when spending good money unless i go for a Bulldog as 1 size fits all :D, but now i'm confused as which would be best suited to me O.o, maybe give it a little longer until i can see a 200 up close and personal B|.

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