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Bigger Pilot

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 Hello to all,  Can anyone give me direction as to what paramotor will be a good fit. Im a larger person 6'4" and at 300 lbs right now. I am currently working on to drop weight, in the 280 range is my goal for now. My chest size is around 54 and waist is a 44. There isnt really any place to try out the various frames. I am looking at he Air Conception Nitro 200. I talked with Eric at Aviator in Lake Wales. He said the harness is what needs to fit right. Being adjustable it may or may not work. He said I could coe out and try it on. Its about an hour and a half from me. But if ther are any bigger pilots out there, what do you fly?  I an currenly looking to buy an Ozone wing, but being a larger person it would be custom, or a tandem wing.  I havent had any experience in this sport. Im going all in ,getting the training somewhereand living the dream. I dont want to waist the money trying it out first. That could be my reserve chute money  Thanks for any help. Cant wait to get up there!  Future Flyhound

Edited by FlyHound
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Hi Flyhound, its early in morning for us Brits but give it time and the more in the Know people will be along shortly, i'm pretty new to the sport myself and yes its addictive and enjoyable So GO for IT, but take your time to choose equipment as it expensive enough and you'll soon find you'll be wanting to upgrade to lighter and better.:wingover:

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1 hour ago, Neilzy said:

Hi Flyhound I'm around the 270lb and at 5'11" I fly a Airconception Nitro and it's one of the best units I've had plenty of power comfatable and the lightness is an absolute winner 

Neilzy what size wing you fly :?: and what's fuel consumption like please :D

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Have always flown a 34 Synth and then a 34 Nuc but recently bought a 28 Reportair not flown yet as time and work V weather crap I've never replay worries about fuel consumption my longest flight was around three hours a few years back on a Moster when I landed the cramp was unbearable lol so only tend to have flights around a couple of hours but i believe the Nitro comparable to our weight 

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