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JoJo Wings safety notice


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So the criticism of the wing may be wrong.

Also.....erm...I have no experience of having to (or how to) correct a wing when something happens.....other than "do nothing".

How many pilots do have experience of a collapse that required something other "do nothing"?

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our wings are tested with trimmers in yes, but they are not detachable. They are part of the original design. The jojo had none. it was tested and certified with none. It was then retro fitted with trimmers. It was never tested or certified with those trimmers fitted - in or out.

that's the difference is it not ? 

Many of us have asked for testing to cover trimmers out on PPG wings over the years, but it's never been done - it would have to be totally different tests, etc (have you tried doing an asymmetric  on a reflex wing with the trims out ? it's impossible)

AndyB - it's good to see you admit this sort of thing - you won't be alone. I'm not much better - I've read what to do - and when I did my first PG training 17 years ago for the first time I did partial collapses, big ears, etc, etc and it gives you a lot more confidence (flying with only half a wing inflated for example)

But, if I had a major collapse I'd pretty much revert to hands off, and try to damp any pendulum. That and knowing I might need to opposite turn myself out a spiral is about the limit of my expectations if I have in an incident.Frankly I think I'd just chuck my reserve.

I did manage to stall my ozone geo II free flying in Olu Deniz and absolutely shat myself. It came back up, inflated, and I just damped the oscillations when I landed (and changed my pants). that was enough to put me off spirals for the rest of that holiday*

If you are keen to learn more, I'd suggest an SIV course - lots of pilots I know have taken one (or several) and have sworn by them - as great fun, and useful.

They scare the bejesus out of me frankly, and as I'm also happiest bumbling about the sky at 2000 feet taking  photos and not doing acro or low level numptiness - I feel I'm pretty safe. But if you do put yourself in situations where the risks are greater I'd suggest an SIV course would be worthwhile.

As for reflex - as you'll know - our wings are very very stable with trims out, but any collapse that does occur can be extremely dynamic. afaik this has only occurred with people really testing the envelope - not in normal flying - but it's one of the reasons why flying with trims out under 500 feet for example is not a great idea (imho) - you are more likely to hit rotor or turbulence of any sort, and have far less altitude for the wing to recover if it does go - and though there's arguably less chance of it collapsing - it's likely to be a very dynamic and dangerous event so close to the ground - hence the common advice to go to slow trim when you are low

*then I later managed to half collapse my wing after take off and smashed my face in - picture attached - not done a lot of PG since them tbh... nasty non motorised tree huggin nonsense :-)


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Thanks for that (not the face bit!), appreciate it. I will read some more! 

I like pottering around taking photos as well, but have found flying low over sand is really fun!

The point I was trying to make with the Jojo wing was that although the original had been modified and weight increased, then NOT retested, that made NO difference to it's ACTUAL rating. The wing was tested after the death and classed En B with trimmers in. So, if they had had it retested it would have been certified fine for a newbie.

Whilst doing the testing, they also tested it with trimmers out.....suitable for advanced only.

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