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BHPA EP/CP/Power? Around London.

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Hi all!

I'm looking to getting into flying a wing, with Paramotoring initially taking my main interest. I love the though of having the the additional option of the motor when required.

Looking into training, I've found that most BHPA Schools don't really offer Paramotoring training, and advise the Paragliding EP/CP as a start. My head says this is a good idea, to build better wing handling/experience before taking on the motor, however I have found some places offering to go straight from EP to Power Pilot?

What would people recommend?

Also, I'm based around London, can anyone recommend schools/trainers?

Thanks for the help!


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If your in London Try giving Andy Shaw a call, He run's Green Dragons who is BHPA.. He also has a small club there as well for an annual fee..   We are on the south coast (chichester) but do not "train" pilots but we do offer sales/servicing/repair.. We also offer Guided XC flying for our customers and local pilots who wish to spread there wings a little further for free...  

Depending where in London your form Simon also offers training from his nice site in Membury as he said above,  he may be closer..  There is also Alex Anderson (foot flight) out Essex way Really nice guy!!  

Clive Mason From CM Paramotors if your north London..   


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  • 3 months later...

I have same doubts as to whether go through paraglider training to gain the EP to CP ratings, then convert to Paramotor PPG or go direct to the PPG?

I appreciate going the EP-CP-PPG route will probably cost more and will take longer - but will presumably I'll gain greater exposure to thermalling skills and better ground wing handling in differing wind conditions. This route will also give me a formal rating that BHPA will recognize for their £2M insurance purposes.

Please can someone tell me if  going direct on the PPG rating route, will I also get the paragliding EP rating on the way? plus will I be eligible for the BHPA insurance cover still without the EP and CP?

Any Thoughts please?

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You can go direct to PPG with BHPA but not all BHPA schools offer PPG training.  There's 3 ratings of CP: Tow, Hill and Power that are all at the same level but all preceded by EP.

All schools start with EP but then some schools offer winch training which will lead to CP Tow whilst others offer hill launches which gives CP Hill and some offer power training leading to CP Power, but there's no requirement to do CP Tow or Hill before CP Power.  Once you have CP you can do short conversion courses to add to your CP rating.  I'm CP Tow, Hill and Power.  So you could start with power and go free flying by adding hill or tow later if you wanted to.  If you want to go the BHPA route you just need to find a school that offers the CP you want.  

I think it's just that a lot of guys start with CP Hill and then become frustrated with the lack of flying opportunities in this country and so convert to power.  Which is what I'm in the process of doing.  CP Hill with all the kit but now converted to power and on the look out for all the extra kit.

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Cheers Half Colin that's helped me to understand the rating system, I just need to weigh up the pro and cons of each route but hopefully will be come to some conclusion very soon.

Another question if I may? Does anyone know if PPG training done in the USA will have any credit here or what if any conversion process is req'd to get CP BHPA cover

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1 hour ago, KiloBravo said:

Cheers Half Colin that's helped me to understand the rating system, I just need to weigh up the pro and cons of each route but hopefully will be come to some conclusion very soon.

Another question if I may? Does anyone know if PPG training done in the USA will have any credit here or what if any conversion process is req'd to get CP BHPA cover

You'll probably be best to contact the BHPA direct - 0116 289 4316 or office@bhpa.co.uk.

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If you have been taught with a non BHPA school and want to join the BHPA you will have too sit the Pilot exam, Learning the US, Thailand etc will teach you local air law and not UK air law...  You might be able to get in via the alternative entry system but i would advise going with a BHPA school either UK or Abroad to save any extra costs doing exams or assessments.     

Good luck with your training..



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lol not sure about that mate, but the same sylibuss (Our PMC one) is used in Sweden to issue (Licences) which are required there to fly legally. It took about a year to get it approved officially by the Swedish equivalent of the CAA. It's just getting updated now as it happens, along with the UK one. 



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