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RIP DEAN ELDRIDGE no investigation.case is closed

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first off i dont wish to offend anyone...  now dean eldridge had a lethal air accident 7th july 2015 in spain...testing a prototype ozone wing.  this is how i see it. anyone who has a lethal air accident .there is a air investigation.on the cause.findings etc and details on prevention. todays date  25/8/16 there is still no info on the cause? my question why ??? the ozones prototype wing.while being tested.followed by a year after.whats the name of the wing now?? was it the ozone viper 4 ?  just a guess.because theres a blackout on any info concerning dean eldridge death. what else iam i suppose to think... i want the facts.i want the truth.  i sent a e-mail  this is the reply     another thought  what about dean eldridge family..... do there ever get to know how the accident happened???  has anyone told them? last but least. has deans family received any compensation???  its like if some one drops down dead. and theres no post mortem... what is this world coming too  geez

Buzón ciaiac (ciaiac@fomento.es)

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To: Tony Lawrence

Dear Mr. Lawrence,

We regret the death of this person!

However, we have not made nor will make a formal investigation of this accident due to we only investigate accidents and serious incidents involving aircraft referred to in


- Article 5 of the Regulation (EU) No 996/2010 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 20 October 2010 on the investigation and prevention of accidents and incidents in civil aviation, and

- Our own national regulation


Best regards,

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i dont wish to offend anyone... all i want .is the facts. the truth and nothing but the truth.  if anyone has a lethal air accident.   there is a investigation.. .more so if there is a death.. i sent a e-mail off to these people.and you can see the reply.why isnt there a air investigation???? what was the cause of death? what was the prototype wing being tested back in 2015. what is the wings name now ... is it ozone viper 4?   no one knows.why?  maybe ozone can tell us more???  but will they? two wittnesses dean eldridge. emilia plak.   dean passed away. one wittness.who just happens to be putting her equipment away.and never saw the lethal accident.    at the end of it going from this letter.and this day of age we wont ever get the true info out.  and how can we prevent another accident like this happening agian?????

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What do you want investigating exactly.

The cause of the accident is flying a paramotor with a prototype wing close to the ground.

The accident was probably caused by equipment failure or pilot error.

A post mortem would not determine the cause of the accident. It would determine his cause of death which is already established (trauma).

I agree transparency is desirable, but Ozone has no obligation to tell the general public what prototype wing it was as it is not in general production.

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I am currently learning to fly, very directly because of Deano's life, and death.   I admired his zest for life from the moment I met him, the stories I heard of his adventures always made me wish I was doing what he was, and the passion he had for something he loved doing was a conversation piece I had with people who loved him dearly.  Upon his death (or a year or so later, when I had a moment to read his book and reflect on my life) I decided to make some miniscual attempt at trying to "live" because of him.   Yea, I know that has nothing to do with his crash, nor does the wing he was using, or the company that made it, or the research that would turn up a result of "accident!", especially since there was no one to witness the probable collapse of some sort a wing, that can happen for so many different reasons on a wing that everyone else is flying without fail!!  That man went out doing something he loved, which by the way, its dangerous when (as aljken said), "The cause of the accident is flying a paramotor with a prototype wing close to the ground". 

Let it go, eh?  It was just an accident and no one is to blame but life....and by the way, by virtue of that, death!


long live Deano

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QUOTE  "LET IT GO. EH?"    ANSWER THIS....   EH?        anyone who has a lethal accident. there is always a investigation. my question is what makes dean eldridge ..... different?   if it was just a accident.and to help any fellow paramotor flyers. they would want to know how the accident happened? and then after that how to prevent the same type of accident happening agian.... its called knowledge and learning.   and we are not getting any knowledge what so ever.   fact while dean was with emilia plak. after the crash. dean was conscious= aware of and responding to ones surrounding... while waiting for the ambulance to arrive... talking to emilia plak who works for the company ozone wings... now while both are in conversation.the subject of how the accident happened?must of came up..  and as i have mentioned and you also mentioned. there is one witness.. emilia plak. now .in this day of age.theres aaib.also in spain.and spain have air accidents investigation. and if we go by what you said    quote  let it go. eh?  then why have a air accident investigation in the first place.. by saying  " let if go" your saying your not interested how the accident happened? if it was ozones equipment. fault. or deans fault? etc    " we all live and learn... or learn and live" my quote.  you forgot to mention about deans family how they must feel... yeah let it go eh?    too many things are left to "let it go  eh?".. eshaw

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On 26/08/2016 at 19:13, aljken said:

What do you want investigating exactly.

The cause of the accident is flying a paramotor with a prototype wing close to the ground.

The accident was probably caused by equipment failure or pilot error.

A post mortem would not determine the cause of the accident. It would determine his cause of death which is already established (trauma).

I agree transparency is desirable, but Ozone has no obligation to tell the general public what prototype wing it was as it is not in general production.

/ cause of accident was flying a paramotor with a prototype wing close to the ground.   my reply.... the prototype wing.was if fully tested by ozone wings? and after the prototype wing has gone through all its tests by ozone.its only then do people like dean eldridge demo it.from prototype wing to what name of wing now being sold to the public. 2/ you say the accident was probably caused by equipment or pilot error... my reply no one knows because the case is closed.. no investigation.   3/ i mention post mortem as a example.. .e.g if someone just keels over and dies. there would be a post mortem. 4/ ozone has no obligation to tell the general public what prototype wing it was.. .as it is not in general production. my reply.  alijken. how do you know this.? please explain in detail. transparency is desirable... do you work for ozone? are you a dealer?   ozone owes it to the general public.to let the public know whats going on.or are you saying alijken.. ozone owes the general public ...   nothing and no obligation to deans eldridge family to let them know the true transparency for which is very desirable.  alijken  why is there a aaib =air accidents investigation branch.now you explain to me why there is a aaib? and there purpose??...then explain to me agian why there is no investigation?.and why the case is closed. then explain who you are? are you a spokesperson for ozone?    dont forget    "but Ozone has no obligation to tell the general public what prototype wing it was as it is not in general production." and how you know this?... and how i can check for myself. instead  of reading what you mention. i need facts i need proof.and last but least are you saying den eldridge was flying a prototype wing thats not fully tested? and tested by dean ment not for general production  but ozone allowed him to fly it..... while  ozone worker emilia plak was putting her equipment away. hence dean having a lethal accident

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The process of brining a new wing 'or any other aircraft for that matter' to the market requires that it be test flown from the very early stages of its development. 

Few people in life opt to become a 'test pilot' or have the skills required to do so. Deano was a skilled pilot. Deano was also a switched on guy and knew what risks he was taking when 'testing' prototype aircraft. 

It does seem a little odd that no investigation took place but unfortunately different countries have different laws regarding this. The U.K. Law requires and imvestigation where as others do not. 

he took a known risk, as we all do every time we fly. But thankfully people like Deano have worked hard before anything comes close to the marketplace for the general public to best ensure our safety as pilots. 

He died doing what he loved (and I mean he actually did love what he was doing). 

I am not sure how much help will come from this forum. I would suggest that if you are genuinely pushing for answers from someone then you contact the relevant authorities again. 


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Well, Tonyparamotor, good luck on pressing this one until you get what you need.  Your right actually, if we knew what happened it could be a learning experience....but since there was no actual witness to the actual accident, and the only on person present was quite assuredly more concerned with a loved one in a situation with major trama than what analysis could have caused the contact with the ground, your pressing this issue is not well thought out...and I am sure quite offensive to those who you seem to be accusing of some wrong doing.  Yea, Emilia should have stopped caring for a very dear friend to make sure to ask exactly what happened so some guy online, who wants an impossible investigation, can get his answers satisfied.  Naaa, I can't imaging that would be offensive to anyone more involved than you.

I suspect Deano was one of the people the wing manufacturers went to when designing new wings, and having people like him fly those prototype wings is why we have such good products today.  Seems like if that idea is sound (which I'm pretty confident is accurate), than the flame throwing at Ozone is a little misguided as well?

As for the family of Dean Eldridge... why is you can't find any info online about their anger at Ozone, or anger at anyone else for that matter?  Clue...they don't blame anyone else.  A man died doing something that carries a high risk, and there is no investigation that will turn up any results, because there is no video or visual witness.  Anything you say beyond that is just not well thought out and defies your opening statement of "first off i dont wish to offend anyone..." because if there was no video evidence, and no one who saw it actually happen, than you suggesting an investigation is necessary is basically accusing someone of lying because an investigation with no witnesses to an accident with a non investigable collapse, or pilot error, or anything else related to a fabric wing failing somehow and in so allowing the pilot to make contact with earth is impossible to conduct because there is no evidence, except someone made contact with the earth.  Do you want them to investigate so they can approximate the speed of impact or something?  Also, accusing aljken of working somehow for the company also plays pretty hard against your "first off i dont wish to offend anyone..."

What is it you want exactly (besides the name of the prototype wing of course that you can blame instead of pilot error with no evidence either way)?  You want "them" to investigate how he made contact with the earth when no one can possibly answer that?  What led to the pilot error, or the experimental wing failure when no one can possibly answer that?  It seems you just want someone to be responsible for Deano's death besides his personal choice to participate in a risky activity?  I only say that because you obviously seem to be pointing your finger at Ozone, and Emilia.  Probably, if you don't want to be offensive, you should try not to be, and let it go, eh? Sure seems healthier than trying to find answers to a question that cannot be answered, or accusing people of lying, or whatever it is your trying to do here!  I can assure you (if thats possible?) that there are a great number of people, much closer to this situation that you, that do not blame anything but a life well lived for this ACCIDENT!

Any further debate is senseless so with that,  I sincerely hope you find peace with this!

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Tony, please leave it there. A lot of us were close to Deano and this isn't nice or respectful. His family have been through a lot and it would be dreadful for them to be reading this. I don't know what truth you are looking for by casting aspersions on Emilia and whoever else you think is involved in 'the conspiracy' but please, this isn't the place for this. 

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hang on... was deans family was never told that there wasnt going to be a investigation? now steve please tell me yes or no. and how do you know how deans family are coping? have you got in touch with them?.this site is for paramotor disscussion.now you tell me what better place there is to discuss deans eldridge death with no investigation.  now think why is there no investigation? hence the word  conspiracy?    steve you explain to me why there is no public investigation?   this is the place. its called discussion one year later   7th july 2015   not one word from anyone letting us know whats going on. but if your not interested then dont read the discussion..   you either want the truth. which is no investigation!!    or seek the truth??   what would you like steve... or shall we go with eshaw.......................     LET IT GO...   EH?

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I think your pestering the wrong people Tony. Why is it that you think posting these messages will help? 

No one on this forum is in a position to help you in any way? 

If you are on a mission to find out more, I would suggest you continue to talk to the AAIB and Buzón ciaiac who may be able to explain again in a different way to you why there was no investigation. 

You may also like to contact the BHPA given that they have mounted investigations in the past for UK pilots in Spain. 

I don't think a continuation of this conversation here is at all productive. 

I think we all 'get what your message is' but your preaching to the wrong people here chap, there is nothing any of us can do to help you.   


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