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Everything posted by geoffw

  1. The last flyin I went to I had a great time, so I will see you all there. ps, this time I will bring some beer. geoffw.
  2. Hi simon, I ways fly on my own so this would be a great experience (traning) for me,so yes count me in. Geoffw
  3. hi steve great bit of video, you just can not beat some nice smooth air.
  4. Would like to go,whats the postcode, seeyou there.
  5. Hi simon would you consider taking my macro in part exchange my parajet macro is Imaculate and very low hours. geoffw
  6. HI to you all, I am with onrisk at the moment but have been told that they are not going to renew paramotoring policies . So what insurance companies are doing paramotoring insurance
  7. What a great weekend I had a little windy but I still managed to get 2 flights, And what a great bunch of lads,hope to see you at the next fly-in, hope that we do not have to wait to long, ps had an invite to fly with them northern pilots around by the Humber Bridge sound great. Many thanks to you all. geoffw
  8. Hi Paul Thank you for your reply ,Hope to meet you one day.Still watch your ABX sport promo video just fantastic ,One of the many reasons I am flying today.
  9. Day 3 training at skyschool I started to kite my new apco thrust HP wing this wing comes up nice and quick a Little brake and it just flies waiting for me , Start to move forward a little on both brakes and feel the lift. Top to bottom from a nice ridge So reverse lunch on the A lines the apco just come straight up a bite on the brakes to stop it over flying me off the brakes run a touch of both brakes and away .Note trimmers on, A left turn a right turn back straight in to wind a little on both brakes slow it down a bit and flare, beautiful. days 4and 5 much of the same.ALEX LEDGER OF SKYSCHOOL with harry hays what a team they make . Day 6 motor on a parajet macro ,got some power and so smooth fantastic bit of kit ,Had a 50 minute fight all caught on film .The training I had was top class so good I am off to Spain to finish my training so I can fly solo with out an Instructor, Taking my apco thrust HP with me.I was told to train on the wing, you intend to fly on and you get used to how it flies. So as you can tell i am so pleased with the apco thrust HP.
  10. Nice one Dan, Have a great time in the USA ok dan meet up when you get back.
  11. Hi Dan. Great to see a ppg pilot fly in the wind or should I say bumpy air , Just started out in the paramotoring world , Got my self a parajet macro apco thrust HP wing gin reserve ,All from parajet in wiltshire . They also included 6 days training, Of to spain on tuesday for 4days. Would like to meet you Dan. And may be get some air time with you and your mates .
  13. Good morning shame about the weather, Start my training next week, with sky school, And I am thinking about altimeters which is the best altimeter for paramotoring,nice and simple to read and the best place to buy,Also I have got a Magellan GPS Pioneer will this be ok for paramotoring. Many Thanks Geoffw.
  14. Hi Mark t ,Good to hear your parajet is so reliable and strong for the occasional landing that is not quite spot on. All so You have the same gear I have on order with parajet are you pleased with your apco thrust hp wing , one other thing does your reserve get in the way on take off, being lap mounted. Many thanks Geoff w
  15. HELLO to you all. I have not been on the forum for a week or to, been out and about looking at paramotors let me save you all the leg work and get your self down to wiltshire, To the parajet factory, I have got my parajet package on order,The build quality is just fantastic and the parajet team at the open day did not just let you try on a parajet motor , But show you how they are built every nut and bolt where else can you see your paramotor being constructed before your very eyes .They will service and repair your parajet at there factory in wiltshire,So hope to be flying this summer as parajet have include training NOW thats what you call a good deal. Geoffw.
  16. hi to you all, Training how much training on average do new pilots need to fly safely and what is the best way to learn , pay as you go or a complete course and how much should it all cost As Any one purchased a package deal, motor wing reserve and training as I am trying to keep the price down and get a good deal. I passed my EP course some time back. I live in stourbridge west midlands,can any one recommend a school or package that they have tried
  17. hi pete Would like to lean to paramotor ,Is your training field in gloucestershire and when can I start
  18. geoffw


    thanks guys just about to spend £7000 on paramotor package and getting a little bit nervy in fact nearly shi*ing my self, and just want to make the write decision
  19. hello to you all, what a great weekend all bean flying, but where do you land and were do you take off from ,you must all have friendly farmers or nice big gardens ,Do you just go and ask with a bottle of whiskey some tip wouldn't go amiss. many thanks geoffw
  20. Nice one nirmal I know what your saying about to much power and that you must use the power with great care,Truth is the pap 1250r ros looks fantasic and the spec looks like it would tick all the boxes but £4400 is a lot of cash , many thanks Geoffw
  21. Very nice looking machine but how relyable are they, and what is the price, also why are you selling a new motor but i am interested
  22. hello nirmal yes a proper answer so there is a animal out there I have looked at the pap range and i did think the workmanship is top notch, but they or pricey how many hours has you pap done, and you did say that you would go for a big motor ,what would you go for as we are the same weight I would like to buy the right motor first.Also do refex wings produce less drag.so you land faster.And were do you fly,I live in stourbridge west midlands and would like to join a club or meet up with pilots
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