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Everything posted by outkast

  1. I got one trip in mind I would like to do, fly down to the medway and get some pics of the forts on the river, its around 8 miles each way, best done with south easterly wind so we get a quick ride home
  2. just looked at the track log of our last XC, 25,3 miles, 3 hours 38 minutes.
  3. sounds just up my street mate, unfortunately its not, I am am hundreds of miles away, otherwise I would have been all over this like a rash, safe flying 150-200 miles which is not a lot for a good weekend with the guys I will check my diary can I bring my sock?
  4. definately mate, I got some sites down that way i want to get some pics of.
  5. sounds just up my street mate, unfortunately its not, I am am hundreds of miles away, otherwise I would have been all over this like a rash, safe flying
  6. Stu the wing tip steering lines are in the rucksack, I took them off because they kept slipping, I just reached up and grabbed the line to steer.
  7. as above, just get up and enjoy your flying, if you want complicated, fly an airbus
  8. in the buff? not sure it was THAT warm
  9. Al, dudek market the wing as a reaction clas glider, so anyone like yourself who flies the reaction would feel right at home with it, although unlikely, if you are ever in my neck of the woods, or I in yours you are more than welcome to take it for a buzz around, I think you will like it
  10. Hi guys, had my second flight on the Nuc last night from canewdon, am really starting to get to grips with this wing now. was a lovely glassy eveing with hardly a bump in the air, flew for around an hour and only came down because it was getting dark did some low level stuff across the fields, I was really surprised just how nimble and responsive the nuc is for a 31 metre wing. good times
  11. a nice evening flight, sometimes they are the best, thanks for posting Al,
  12. oh and did I mention the soxs, £2.99 for five pairs, would have been rude not to at that price.
  13. Yes I am marine sargent snazzy pants, only £3 for a pack of two at the factory outlet shop, absolute bargain
  14. Keep It Simple Stupid Thats an old saying in aviation (KISS) theres a reason its an old saying, its true.
  15. http://olympics.airspacesafety.com/airs ... ember-2012
  16. oh yeah, and Neilzy as our airspace restriction lifts on wednesday I mite try and get out in the coming days if you are about Neilzy?
  17. http://www.alan-thomas.co.uk/paramotor-insurance http://www.flugschulen.at/axa/english/index.html
  18. sting powerplay (beefed up version of the swing arcus paraglider) Revo2 Dudek nucleon.
  19. Hello, I am one of those that fly out of canewdon, Matt and Clive (who is on his honeymoon at the moment) are the other two, we have not been down to canewdon for a while due to the airspace restriction for the olympics, I suggest once thats over you come down to see us next time we fly there. dont buy any kit yet. PS: Matt and Clive are not on their honeymoon together, although they both look a bit gay just checked the ebay link, not a great set up, theres better out there.
  20. if you already fly a revo I dont think you will find the revo2 much of a leap onwards, Matt until recently had a revo and tried out a speedster, he did not like it, wich just goes to show what the others have said, definately try before you buy.
  21. outkast

    So tempting...

    I too am baffled how they price these things, when i was looking for a miniplane I was quoted £3500 from a guy in ireland and £5700 from a well known instructer based in france. yes you read that correctly £5700 for a minplane.
  22. Best way to biuld confidence is to fly as much as possible in as varied conditions as possible. you cant avoid a thermal as you cant see it, but you can do a bit to avoid hitting the worst of them, if you fly in the morning in the summer you almost certainly going to be flying in conditions that will worsen. If you fly on a summers evening, nine times out of ten conditions will be improving. dont worry about hitting thermals all they will do is make you go up, wich is kinda what we want to do aint it? to be honest getting caught out in there air and thrown about a bit can be a good thing, it gets you used to what can happen and lets you know you are not going to sudenly fall out the sky. its all part of the learning curve and your flying skills will be richer for going through it. oh and another thing, a lot of times people look for cumalus clouds or verticel building clouds as a sign of thermals. clouds will only form when there is moisture present, you can still have strong thermals and no cloud, paragliding pilots call them "blue" thermals. Enjoy
  23. outkast

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    the one from the link on the pcworld magazine website
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