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Posts posted by outkast

  1. I have a paragliding harness for sale, I have never flown it only used it for ground handling, its in good condition, comes in its own rucksack.

    would be ideal for a newbie who needs to put the work in on the ground.

    £70 plus postage.

    let me know if you need pics and I will put some up. :D

  2. Just a bit of advice for fellow fliers keeping there paramotors on stand by in there vans, took mine in the house tonight as the cold weather was causing condensation all over it!! Motors and moisture is a bad mix!

    mines sat here in my study and the radiator is on :D

    I guess that makes you single :D

    The misses knows whos the boss in this house, I where the trousers around here........when she lets me lol

  3. Just a bit of advice for fellow fliers keeping there paramotors on stand by in there vans, took mine in the house tonight as the cold weather was causing condensation all over it!! Motors and moisture is a bad mix!

    mines sat here in my study and the radiator is on :D

  4. Found the weight. 24kg? I'm thinking more under 20 and as close to 15 as poss. Might be that I'm dreaming but ya don't know till ya ask!!

    Stu as with everything in aviation, theres a trade off, anything light will almost certainly not be strong enough to take the knocks and bangs of training, buying something very light may be a false economy, light motors like the miniplane are best suited to experienced pilots, where there is much less a chance of a fall or hard landing, also most of the light motors on the market cannot be power launched as the cage is too flexible.

  5. PMC Basic Flying Rules:

    1. Try to stay in the middle of the air.

    2. Do not go near the edges of it.

    3. The edges of the air can be recognized by the appearance of ground, buildings, sea, trees and interstellar space. It is much more difficult to fly there.

    SW :D

    you could also add to the above.

    4. your arrival at the edge will be accompanied by the arrival of some unfamiliar sounds, namely metal breaking, props splintering and bones shattering, usualy followed some time later by the sound of sirens blaring.

  6. i,m looking to buy my first reflex wing,possibly a synth or revo2 with motor i am 92 kiloes excluding wing will a 23 meter be ok.i would prefer higher wing loading at the same time i am interested in the apco force it has a good write up and to have seen the promotional vidio .i am interested on an independent view of the apco force

    I cant speak for the apco, but from what I have read it is not as stable as the Revo.

    I have owned the revo2 and it is an excelent wing, easy to launch, very forgiving and very stable in full reflex.

  7. Parajet Titanium Compact .

    I ve had this machine for 4 yrs and its got 160 hrs on it .

    Its been tucked away in a cupboard for 2 yrs since i broke my arm ...My fault , taking off in dodgy cross winds .

    I ve recently repaired the cage and put a brand new piston / rings in . Fires up and runs lovely .

    Took it for an hours flight , and having repaired the props , they could do with balancing . Apart from that , it flies fine .

    You ve caught me on the hop here , as i had no intention of selling , so will take some pics tomorrow and put it on the Auction . Im asking £ 800 for it .

    Some spares too...Exhaust and silencer .

    Its a good machine for someone , and a shame to leave it in storage....

    Thanks , Steve

    Just realised...Sounds like an advert , but its not an advert ?...But it will be tomorrow ??

    that sounds bang on Stu, tough enough to take anymore knocks your old fella mite have.

  8. Motors come up all the time on ebay and elsewhere, dont worry about getting a motor yet, get yourself a wing and harness and get practicing your ground handling.

    and also thats an action Gt wich is proberly not the best wing for a newbie.

  9. That makes some sense strait away. But how are they making diesel / petrol electric hybrid car or are they all just concepts.

    240v 1kw generator. What is the amp output if it were 50v? I'm not up with this stuff. Just asking?

    one thing electric vehicles dont have such a problem with as us is wieght, the prius is very heavy for its size

  10. , once you are off the ground its a bit easier to cope with.

    Is that because the wind becomes more `linear`and predictable, ie: not so much turbulence caused by stuff on the ground, or....?

    Also, what effect does turning into/out of/through/across the higher-strength winds have when flying?

    Do you get pushed and pulled about a bit more or is it more likely to have adverse effects on the wing?

    (been reading a couple of the accident reports!!)


    i guess you meant 1000 to 1500ft!

    sorry yes 1000ft lol

    turning from flying up wind to flying downwind can catch you out if you are ready for the sudden increase in speed especialy if you are close to the ground, if the wind speed is anything approaching double figures then gain some hieght first before turning.

    how much you feel the differance in wind speed when flying will depend a lot on the wing you are flying, most modern reflex wings are very stable but the all move about to a certain degree, some more so than others.

    try watching some videos of people flying when they have mounted the camera looking up at them and the wing above them, you can see some wings move quite a bit above the pilot but always remain quite stable.

    Flying in turbelent air is something wich we will all experience at some point wether we like it or not, just be reasured that at no time up until the present have we had equipment better able to deal with that.

  11. 1. If you take a look at the latest paramotor magazine, nearly all the flights are at max 500ft and many well below that. Just wondered what height you generally fly at? Do you alwa ys default to heght first? Or just as you feel like it?

    2. Whats the maximum wind you would consider flying in..if ypu ad a 19 aswell in your quiver..

    What hieght you fly is really a matter of comon sense, if you want to fly low then there is a time and place to do so, IE when you are out over open country with very little chance of causing a niusance to anyone.

    When I am flying somewhere that requires crossing road and being near to biult up areas, then I find 100 to 1500 ft to be a good place to sit, low enough to still get a good look at the ground and high enough to give you a good bit of time and glide distance should the motor stop.

    wind speed is also not set in stone, flying in something like a 17mph wind, wich i have done is not too bad, it just makes the take off and landing a bit more tricky, once you are off the ground its a bit easier to cope with.

  12. Its not like it is going to do your motor any harm, years ago when we all thrashed about on mopeds i doubt any of us gave a shit about product codes etc

    We just chicked any ols shit in them as long as it was 2 stroke oil

    Then we abused them day and night and they were fine

  13. reported in this months skywings magazine, there were 13 serious breaches of olympic airspace, all by Ga pilots, all of them have had their liscences suspended and one had his instructors liscence suspended.

    not so high and mighty now are they lol

  14. Thanks alot for the replys,

    Thats completely cleared up the confused for me :) and i wasn't going to try it, might not even do low flying, was just a thought :)



    Mike once you start reading through the pilots notes I sent you the link for, all will become much clearer. :D

  15. http://www.bhpa.co.uk/pdf/En926_summary.pdf

    Be sure you can operate your current glider to 100% of it's envelope with full confidence, otherwise you'll not enjoy the ENC class in thermic air. The Speedster does have only a few C's at some of the sizes/weights, so it might be a better move than other ENC gliders.

    Also check the answer to why you want an ENC.


    I think that link is very misleading, the Nuc is a en C rated glider and is known as one of the most stable out there, but if you read that link it sounds like a death trap.

    It is not misleading. Collapse resistance is completely different to collapse recovery. Please be very careful with your statements. Beginners are reading this thread.


    My point exactly :shock:

  16. http://www.bhpa.co.uk/pdf/En926_summary.pdf

    Be sure you can operate your current glider to 100% of it's envelope with full confidence, otherwise you'll not enjoy the ENC class in thermic air. The Speedster does have only a few C's at some of the sizes/weights, so it might be a better move than other ENC gliders.

    Also check the answer to why you want an ENC.


    I think that link is very misleading, the Nuc is a en C rated glider and is known as one of the most stable out there, but if you read that link it sounds like a death trap.

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