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Posts posted by outkast

  1. Myself, Clive and Matt took an early morning flight today from our field in canewdon down to a place called action park just west of Rayliegh in essex.

    lovely flight along the river watching the world wake up.

    below are a few snapshots taken from my go pro footage, I have not resized them.

    Flying down the river Crouch


    me and my shadow


    boats leaving for an early start


    Birds taking flight over hullbridge


    picture postcard farm



  2. stuck this in here as for some reason I cant seem to get into the auction site.

    I have a go pro for sale, its the first one not the HD one but it works fine.

    Go Pro cam


    head mount strap thing

    a stretchy strap thing with a mount on it, so you can strap it to you leg etc

    RGB lead to view on your telly

    a couple of stick on mounts.

    has a 2GB card in it at the moment but you can always put a bigger one, I never had a problem with having just 2GB

    in original box with all instruction manuals.

    works perfect.

    £40 plus postage :D


  3. Dave, here's the rest procedure:

    Turn radio off.

    Press and hold the MONI switch (just below the PTT) and turn radio on.

    Rotate the DIAL knob to select the choice from the reset menu: F1 SETRST

    Press the F key to finish.

    Cheers, Alan

    Thanks Al, I have done the above but wont know if it worked until I meet up with someone else with a 2 metre radio.

  4. it is sometimes easy to get caught out, tonight myself and Matt K were over canewdon, windsock was looking like it was around 5 mph, forward launch off I went, I had done some adjustments to my carb and was going to have a quick blatt around the field to test it out.

    good forward speed climbing to around 60ft into wind, turned around and all of a sudden it was like I had lit the afterburners, shot across the field at a hell of a rate, and I dont mean fast, I mean fecking fast, required a good dose of throttle and a bit of brake to sort things out, did another circuit and was getting thrown all over the place, so came around and landed in a very short distance, now i fly a Nuc and this has a great glide so was expecting a bit more time to getting ready to touch down, but it came down like my old Revo 2.

    All the indications told us it was fairly docile, but once I got up there it proved to be anything but :shock:

  5. Like the sound and look of the power take off. Wind is looking exactly the same at present so might get another chance to practice later.

    If not I hope for a slight breeze so I can defiantly get my rear end off the deck.

    To the other extreme I have been VERY selective of when I fly

    and have only flown in wind below about 4 miles an hour. In your opinion what is the max wind speed I should be attempting with 5 seccessful flights under my belt?

    Thanks peeps.


    Stu, its not so much the wind strength but the variation and direction you need to look at, for instance a wind of 5 mph with gusts to 7 mph in the fairly constant direction will be much easier to take off in than a wind of 7 mph with gusts to 12 mph, Higher wind speed does not always stop us from flying.

    last night at canewdon we had 8 mph with gusts to around 10 mph, wich was not too bad, you just had to time your launch.

    mind you it did switch 360 degrees by the time we had set up, we all had to turn our wings around.

    proberly the worst wind I took off in was 8 mph gusting to 17 mph, made for a tricky landing too :shock:

    if I were you at your stage of flying I would proberly steer clear of any wind speed showing gusting to double figures.

    also with higher wind speeds you need to take into account the terrain around your launch site, rotor from trees etc will have more effect the higher the wind speed.

    even a windspeed of around 5mph have have an effect from something like a small rise in the terrain if you are low down.

  6. I have the above 2 metre transciever, I accidently changed the channel when it was in my pocket some time back on an XC, I then tried to find the number lock setting on it so it did not happen again, however since pressing lots of different buttons it now seems to only receive and not transmit my voice, but when I tested it with another radio, the other radio picked up the signal but you could not hear me talking, I have a manual for the radio but it does not have a troubleshooting giude at all.

    When I key the mike a message reading "error" comes up on the display, does anyone have the same and had the same problem and is there a way to reset it back to the factory settings?

    Thanks, Dave

  7. I dont think there is any right or wrong answer to the question of wether to take a training course, or to learn alongside other more experienced pilots.

    all individuals are just that "individual" we are all different and pick up different skills at different rates, some of us can take to the practical side of flying very quickly, but may struggle with the stuff like navigatin, air law etc.

    I think people fall mostly into two groups when they start out in this sport/pastime whatever you want to call it.

    first there are those who just want to fly, get up in the air and just enjoy it.

    Then there are those want to embrace all it has to offer, pushing themselves to accomplish more all the time.

    wich of the two above you fall into depends greatly on what type of character you are, it also gives a fair indication as to wether a paid up training program may be for you, or learning alongside others would be a better route.

    sure we may learn better when we are given a structered framework to follow, but that is not exclusive.

    What we enjoy most about this sport is freedom and that same freedom means we also have a choice how we go about acheiving our goals.

    Just as making the right wing/motor choice is important so is the route you take and only you can decide on that.

    I think most people with a bit of common sense can learn to fly a paramotor, but flying one of thses things is just part of the big picture, becoming a pilot takes another set of skills, understanding air law, navigation, meteorology, dynamics of flight etc.

    learning to fly and learning to be a pilot are different things.

    just my 2 cents worth :D

  8. horses for courses mate, most people have a couple of motors before they really feel comfortable with a machine/brand, its no different than choosing a wing, get what YOU feel comfortable with, thats what counts.

  9. I wish the battery development was faster but it doesn't seem likely to that it'll be good enough for paramotors within 10 years.

    I do think it can play a role for a replacement to winch in free flight within a reasonable time though. Small motor with limited capacity.

    I think the battery technology proberly already exists, I think its just not economicaly viable for such an application as a paramotor at this time.

    an electric paramotor with a range comparable to what we already have could proberly be biult but the cost would be something like 3 times the most expensive petrol driven motor available today, and whos going to be crazy enough to try and market that?

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