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bulldog moster reserve mounting

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Hello all.

Has anybody side mounted a reserve chute on the bulldog moster 185?

My service guy has said that this might not be possible due to the high hang points set up my motor has. He said that front mounting might be the only option.....and one I don't fancy.



Edited by frosty100
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Hi Dave

I have the Bulldog Moster with side mounted reserve. Fits fine.

It ideal on the side. Does not get it the way and easy to reach.

Never had to pull it yet so can't say if it works ok but motor has been back to Clive at Bulldog in the past and he has never said i should move it.


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I have managed to top mount the reserve now.

I have manufactured an alluminium brace that fits between the two uppermost hoop support spars. This in turn is threaded through the loops on the bag straps, these straps are looped under the top member of the main frame. It looks quite neat up there out of the way.

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Just seen this post I have mine mounted on the left arm and find it works great on my bulldog moster on my previous paramotors I had my reserve in a front mount and it bashed against your legs so I do prefer it mounted on the side arm, how are you getting on with the cage now I love the way it packs down into a small bag I had previously had a paramotor that had a similar frame so I had no problem with Clive's design he has had a purpose bag made for them now I still can't believe that the whole cage and spars pack away into such a small bag, my first paramotor had really big sections so they were a bit cumbersome to transport cheers Alan

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Hi Dave,

Side mount is no problem with a suitable container. Whatever position you choose, it is very important that it is installed correctly with the correct length Y bridle and the routing does not interfere with any future deployment.

Mine is side mount on the left, but I do think front mount is the best place for all of them. Some people find that it bangs against your legs when launching, so I usually advise to clip it up higher for launch then once airborne re-position it. I went side mount only due to competition flying where a map board needed to be on my lap etc.

Be careful of fitting top mounted reserves as there are some situations that would make it very hard to deploy with G forces making your arms very heavy to lift above your head. Also ensure, if you do go for this option that you have a double handle (like Micky mouse ears) so you can deploy either hand.

Your local Bulldog dealer will be able to help and advise on this and other Bulldog related questions and do a proper hang test and check your set up to ensure you're getting the very best out of it.

The Bulldog is very easy and quick to assemble, (probably the most easiest) so don't know why you find it fiddly? it takes just a few minutes to put together unlike 20-30 minutes some other set ups take. Again if you're finding things tricky, then your local Bulldog dealer will be able to offer advice and help.

If you have any pictures of your set up, post them up so we can help.

Best regards, Chilly

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Hello all and thank you for your advice and comments.

The picture is of the unfinished product. I have fitted 2 rubber lined p clips to the end of the alluminium rod which fit nicely to the cage spars. There is no fouling of the netting as the rod simply passes through the mesh holes. The reserve webbings are fixed to the shoulder straps with sticky velcro and fixed to the Karibiners. I would not be able to tolerate a front mount banging on my legs etc.

I have gone for the double handled bag as you can see.


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