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Does the BHPA really represent us?

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I've been flying for 2 years now. First as a Paraglider Pilot and latterly as a Paramotor Pilot. I love both disciplines but in order to Paraglide, I have to drive over an hour away to the South Downs so Paramotoring is easier for me as the area of Kent I live in is rather flat and has no decent 'Hill' sites nearby.

I've been a member of the BHPA from the start but after reading a few posts on here, I've notice that the BHPA doesn't seem to like Paramotor pilots!

Got my copy of 'Skywings' yesterday (the BHPA members magazine) and apart from one tiny article / picture at the bottom of page 8, there's nothing about Paramotoring at all in any of its 52 pages! Loads about Hang Gliding, loads about Paragliding, but bugger all about Paramotors!

The BHPA club I belong to has many Paramotor pilots in it who also happen to be Paraglider pilots and yet the group seems extremely reluctant to form a 'Motor' section within the group - the 'die hard purists' seeming to think that the club should be for 'free flyers' only.

My question is why?

Why do we seem to be the poor relation?

Does the BHPA truly represent us and our sport?

Is my impression of the status quo wrong?

Thoughts please.


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I've been flying for 2 years now. First as a Paraglider Pilot and latterly as a Paramotor Pilot.

Does the BHPA truly represent us and our sport?.

In Skywings theres only one tiny picture at the bottom of page 8


If you form your own BHPA Paramotor Club you will get full support from the BHPA as well as your liability Insurances.

If you want to read stuff in skywings about Paramotoring, Paramotor Pilots have to write stuff.

Articles about Insurance, Repacks, coaching and punchy spring thermals probably don't contain the word Paramotoring but they are all relevant to Paramotor Pilots.

or is it just pictures you want to look at?


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A good picture can be very inspiring but I'd hope that every now and then, perhaps they'd contain the odd interview with an 'expert' in their field, trial and review a new motor or two etc. There just doesn't seem to be much aimed towards motor pilots.

The other thing that made me put this post up, was the 'own up' post on here a few weeks ago. The BHPA had a perfect opportunity to support a Paramotor Pilot that was virtually being accused of being in the wrong by some tabloid or other, when in fact he'd done nothing wrong - they didn't appear to support him in the slightest.

I was just interested to know if other people had similar experiences


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I agree that the BHPA is not particularly tuned in to paramotoring, but to say that it does not represent our interests would be quite an extension of that.

The BHPA does a lot to secure flying sites, even if not all are available to PPG pilots. They also represent non-licensed pilots, both powered and unpowered, in discussion with the CAA and other authorities. They also provide insurance and organise events, ranging from competitions to re-packs.

I would suggest that most of what the BHPA does is relevent to PPG pilots.

No-one is forcing anyone to join. Look at the evidence and decide for yourself.

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Joe Schofield of Skywings says he is finding it difficult to include Paramotoring stuff as no one is writing in with pictures and stories.

Most of the paragliding articles are from BHPA members writing in about the new wing they tested, stories from abroad etc.

He said he would be more than happy, to include any worthy stories with photo's, if anyone would like to write in about paramotoring.

Also any events would be included.

http://www.skywingsmag.com or Call Joe Schofield on: 01379 855021

cheers Mike :D

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I think the clue is in the name - British hang-gliding and paragliding association - "gliding" not powered.. Think turning up at a cycling club on a motorbike..

Only joking :)



I also have a Motorcycle and i also have RAC breakdown cover.

Its not a Car but im well covered.

only jokin2 :)

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Thanks for the info Mike.

I didn't realise that they relied solely on people writing in with articles. I assumed they'd have a couple of magazine journalists that went out and looked for stories etc. Perhaps when I've got a few years experience under my belt I might have something to send in. In the meantime, this forum continues to be the Mecca - the oracle - (call it what you will) for any one seeking knowledge of our sport. I've found this to be a valuable resource! Well played SW!


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.editors ALWAYS need stuff...words and pictures. They usually pay you as well (maybe 100 quid per thousand words). Don't wait till "youve got the experience". You can write NOW about your experiences NOW. Remember, whatever stage youre at there's always someone behind you wanting to learn and if you write well, there'll always be willing readers. Remember Propeller Head, the book? That was well written and read by wannabees, learners and experienced pilots the world over.


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