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CAA legislation!!


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The CAA are conducting a review of red tape affecting all forms of GA and sport aviation. This is a golden opportunity for paramotors with wheels to be included in the SPHG definition. All it will take is the CAA to be persuaded that "the aircraft is footlaunched" should include footlaunched aircraft that can have an adaption that lets them take off from wheels.

Check out this website

https://www.gov.uk/government/consultat ... -challenge

which will send you to this website

http://www.caa.co.uk/default.aspx?catid ... geid=15433

which says that the consultation is open from 6th November until 6th December.

and an email address to send suggestions.


Bombard it with the suggestion that aircraft weighing less than 70kg fully fueled whose slow flight speed is less than 30kts should be included in the SPHG definition merely by the CAA taking the view that "if it can be foot-launched it is SPHG irrespective of if it also has wheels".

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s'ok pete. I found it. thanks. email sent.

You should get an automated response from the CAA mailsweeper system saying

"Thank you for sending your comments and suggestions on the CAA’s response to the Government’s General Aviation Red Tape Challenge.

We will consider all comments received when we refine our GA programme and set up the new GA Unit. Your comments and suggestions will also be passed to the Government’s GA Challenge Panel who will consider them when preparing their report to Ministers that is due in January 2014.

Kind regards

Philip Clarke

Better Regulation Lead, Policy Programmes Team Civil Aviation Authority CAA House, 45-59 Kingsway, London, WC2B 6TE Direct line: 020 7453 6231 http://www.caa.co.uk"

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