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Best way to approach a farmer?

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Hi Guys,

I was hoping to approach a local farmer about a field he owns, to see if he would be willing to let me use it for paramotoring. Could anyone please advice on how best to negotiate/offer etc so that i have the best chance of succeeding.

Thanks in advance


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I usually just knock on the door and ask if I can fly my paraglider from his field. That way it doesn't sound scary. I always have a short video of me or someone else taking off and flying on my phone to show him.

I then mention I use a small motor to push me in the air. Then I mention I'll happily sort him out with some aerial photos.

I've been lucky, I have many sites now without any hassles.

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Hi Stuart,

It gives me some confidence to know that you have managed to acquire more than one site mate. Excellent idea about the aerial photo (probably framed) which is a nice gesture. But do you pay a yearly/monthly fee as well to keep flying there on a regular basis.



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Have this in your back pocket IF asked. :-)

PMC Landowner waiver and liability release

In exchange for use of your property I (we) the undersigned PPG pilot(s) hereby release and discharge the undersigned landowner from any and all liability, claims, demands or causes of action that I (we) or our heirs may hereafter have for injuries, damages or death arising out of our participation in PPG activities, including but not limited to losses caused by the negligence of the released landowner.

I (we) understand and acknowledge that PPG activities have inherent dangers that no amount of care, caution, instruction, or expertise can eliminate and I (we) expressly voluntarily assume all risk while participating in these activities whether or not caused by the negligence of the released parties. Further we agree to pay for any damages resulting from our activities. We understand this agreement will be in effect until revoked by you, the landowner.

In order for club users to have your permission to fly, they will ned to have signed this document. If this document is not signed by the pilot He / She is using the land without your permission.


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Go with Cold Beer!!!!! You will not only be able to fly there you will become part of the family :)

I would go with the motor and wing then approach him let him see what it is you want to do. Talk about insurance in case of issues etc.

I remember one location we approached the farmer and in the end the old couple allowed us to fly there.

Next week there was a cool wind sock you could see from 5k away and two chairs at the house facing the wind sock. We turned into entertainment for the couple.

The last time I talked to the Famer he said his wife bought the new sock to see if more PPG’s would land on the farm because she loved to see all the colors.

Why are there not more people like this in the world!

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