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New inovative paramotor


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Not so sure about some of their claims:

"the faster the prop turns, the higher the torque effect" - No.

For a given thrust, a faster turning prop will operate at lower torque than a slower turning prop (power = torque x rpm).

"cage profiles act as wings when the air is blowing through the cage and generate rotational lift."

So where does the energy come from to generate this "rotational lift"? It can only come from the relative motion of air over the surfaces, i.e. additional drag.

"a regular paramotor decreases the glide ratio of a paraglider by 20-30%? Not suprisingly, the cage and the netting causes the most drag"

The implication that drag from the paramotor causes the 20-30% reduction in glide ratio is misleading. Compared to the pilot, the drag from the paramotor is small. Much of the paramotors structure is not moving through clean air, so aero section will make little or no difference.

I'd be interested to balance the cost and weight penalties of the adjustable prop against having a choice of 2 or 3 conventional props.

I think this is a product full of solutions to problems which don't exist.

Now, if someone could come up with a prop that made the same thrust at half the diameter - that would be a significant improvement. I'm still looking into the limitations and possibilities of ducted fans.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Torque is very well managed to the point of not feeling it anymore. It is obviously still there in some form but it is managed to the point of I have no left or right turn under full power from a 130cm prop. 80kg thrust with an 83kg pilot. This is true for both the Zenith and AirConception. Both motors have off set swan neck weight shift. The off set in the arms not the frame (it makes all the difference)

The Kobra had a little bit of turn but even that was below average and easily compensated with a crossed leg.

Like what was said earlier ' a solution to a problem that its not there anymore '

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O poo.....

You will hate me for saying this but I still know that Carbon is NOT the correct material to be using for a tubed frame on a Paramotor for all the same reasons as I mentioned the last time.

Vince, you seem quite quick to big this unit up..... Are you selling them yet?

Please dont take this as a personal bash, but you seem to be selling rather a lot of different kit.... Its hard to know when your telling the truth or trying to sell stuff. :-(

As a wise man once said, Jack of all.... Master of none. ;-)


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Torque is very well managed to the point of not feeling it anymore. It is obviously still there in some form but it is managed to the point of I have no left or right turn under full power from a 130cm prop. 80kg thrust with an 83kg pilot. This is true for both the Zenith and AirConception. Both motors have off set swan neck weight shift. The off set in the arms not the frame (it makes all the difference)

The Kobra had a little bit of turn but even that was below average and easily compensated with a crossed leg.

Like what was said earlier ' a solution to a problem that its not there anymore '

I had quite a pronounced tourqe effect on my venom, but a hang check and a bit of tweeking with the setup sorted it out :D

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O poo.....

You will hate me for saying this but I still know that Carbon is NOT the correct material to be using for a tubed frame on a Paramotor for all the same reasons as I mentioned the last time.

Vince, you seem quite quick to big this unit up..... Are you selling them yet?

Please dont take this as a personal bash, but you seem to be selling rather a lot of different kit.... Its hard to know when your telling the truth or trying to sell stuff. :-(

As a wise man once said, Jack of all.... Master of none. ;-)


Personally, I think I would trust someone selling a range of manufacturers paramotors than someone who was just selling one. He can (should) discuss all the benefits of all the machines to the potential customer instead of doing what one well know eejit in the US does.

But to be honest, who has ever gone to the retailer and said "which machine do you think is best for me"? I believe everyone uses their own research and places like this (very useful) forum to make up their own minds. :roll:

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