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Thanks for letting us fly into your site today.

Very nice Little XC all be it a little cold on the return trip. Had to land out after and hour to swap my gloves over to a thicker pair and wait for Luke.

It was good to see you with so many students all doing a great job!! Next time can you sort out some rubbish one's :explode::wink:

Thanks again


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Thanks for letting us fly into your site today.

Very nice Little XC all be it a little cold on the return trip. Had to land out after and hour to swap my gloves over to a thicker pair and wait for Luke.

It was good to see you with so many students all doing a great job!! Next time can you sort out some rubbish one's :explode::wink:

Thanks again


hands not "toasty" then Morgy?

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To be fair, he was testing the inners to the max with only a pair of what looked like women's tights on over the top of them in the way of 'gloves' on a day when it was -5 @ 2000ft or there abouts.

Great to see some hardcore pilots still using the awesome days to get a decent XC in !! :-)

Great to see you guys.


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Hi Colin .. Yes luke made it back ok. I waited for him after calling Simon. I waited for him where i knew he had to fly through to squeeze through Lasham and Odiham. Took of again when he flew near me.

That will teach him not to do a preflight inspection after taking his tank out to refuel..... :wink:


The gloves worked a treat. I only had on my Mac wets over the top. 1500ft-2000ft for 1.40 mins on the way there with the last 20 mins climbing up to 3000ft for the glide in to simon's so to make too much noise. The return trip was ok for 45 mins until the batteries' ran out. They are ment to Last up to 5 hours but i think the cold got to them. As we all know Very cold temps and Batteries do not mix well. If i had thicker gloves over the top I think they would have lasted a lot longer as the Batteries would have been covered not exposed. Plus i would not have had to have them on full power... I had my old Blaze wear heated gloves in the side pocket. I needed to land for a few reason's

1 to call Simon to find out when luke left. 2 to call Farnbrough ATC as i forgot before taking off 3 to warm my hands.

I do believe if your selling something or recommending something then you should have tested it out to the full and if your not to happy with it you should not sell it...

This product is now on the shelf... VERY HAPPY :lol:

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Hi Morgy, did you fly all the way up from Chichester, and it took 1:40 hours?

What was your approx route to Swindon?

Also whereabouts did you stop on the way back - just a suitable/likely looking farm field somewhere?

Sorry for all the questions, but that sounds like quite an interesting trip for a Sunday`s flying, and is just the sort of thing that i would eventually like to do.

It`d be fantastic to fly to my parents house in Calne!


btw; `That will teach him not to do a preflight inspection after taking his tank out to refuel`

what happened there?

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Hi Guy's

We took off from Guildford after calling farnbrough ATC to get clearance. We had to hurry as there was a purple flight going out and the airspace was going to be closed from 1030 1130 we headed out west toward oak hanger and we cut NW between Odiham and Lasham. We tried to call up Odiham but no ANS and seeing as it was the weekend (STILL keeping a GOOD lookout) we cut the corner :roll::wink:

The flight was around 1.40 but i took of first and it took luke a little while to catch up so i was on full slow waiting!!

I like to do xc's and for us this was a average flight all be it a little cold. I climbed up to 3000ft for the glide into simons site where we saw a few pilot practising there round handling skills. I switched off for the glide in for landing and as soon as i get to 2000ft ready to spiral in one of the Students takes off... So i turned the motor back on as Simon had ask us not to land when he had a student in the air.

As his pupil got further away i spotted Luke doing some gentle wing overs going to land so i headed in and pulled a nice tight spiral and landed next to luke. I think i made a couple of his student worry as they didn't know which way to head as i came in on full trim :lol:

After we landed we said hello to nearly everyone and showed a few people of the V5's then went for some lunch at the services..

Luke refueled but i think he forgot to re connect his breather pipe so after a few seconds of flight his motor cut while he was pulling a wing over...

I had no idea what was going on as i was waiting for him to catch up. The last i saw of him was when he had just taken off..

I headed on home... Top gear rules!!!! keeping an eye out all the way home. I planned to stop and a radio mast ont he down as i knew he had to pass tis way to get back but there was crop and live stock everywhere so i decided to keep going. As i got south east of Odiham i remembered i had not called Farnbrough ATC to inform them of our return time back to homestead farm. I could see Lasham was a little busy with winching with 4 gliders to the south of the airfield so i started to look for a LZ after Lasham and Odiham.

I am not sure here i landed but just picked a nice looking grass field. I called The ATC and warmed my hand and waited for luke to arrive. @20 mins later i could here the faint humm of a 4 stroke so i got ready and took off.

We meet back up south of the hogs back near guildofrd and went down low for some low level flying.... The wind as very light so we chased each other around some trees and bushes.

A great end to a great flight

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Hi Guy's

We took off from Guildford after calling farnbrough ATC to get clearance. We had to hurry as there was a purple flight going out and the airspace was going to be closed from 1030 1130 we headed out west toward oak hanger and we cut NW between Odiham and Lasham. We tried to call up Odiham but no ANS and seeing as it was the weekend (STILL keeping a GOOD lookout) we cut the corner :roll::wink:

The flight was around 1.40 but i took of first and it took luke a little while to catch up so i was on full slow waiting!!

I like to do xc's and for us this was a average flight all be it a little cold. I climbed up to 3000ft for the glide into simons site where we saw a few pilot practising there round handling skills. I switched off for the glide in for landing and as soon as i get to 2000ft ready to spiral in one of the Students takes off... So i turned the motor back on as Simon had ask us not to land when he had a student in the air.

As his pupil got further away i spotted Luke doing some gentle wing overs going to land so i headed in and pulled a nice tight spiral and landed next to luke. I think i made a couple of his student worry as they didn't know which way to head as i came in on full trim :lol:

After we landed we said hello to nearly everyone and showed a few people of the V5's then went for some lunch at the services..

Luke refueled but i think he forgot to re connect his breather pipe so after a few seconds of flight his motor cut while he was pulling a wing over...

I had no idea what was going on as i was waiting for him to catch up. The last i saw of him was when he had just taken off..

I headed on home... Top gear rules!!!! keeping an eye out all the way home. I planned to stop and a radio mast ont he down as i knew he had to pass tis way to get back but there was crop and live stock everywhere so i decided to keep going. As i got south east of Odiham i remembered i had not called Farnbrough ATC to inform them of our return time back to homestead farm. I could see Lasham was a little busy with winching with 4 gliders to the south of the airfield so i started to look for a LZ after Lasham and Odiham.

I am not sure here i landed but just picked a nice looking grass field. I called The ATC and warmed my hand and waited for luke to arrive. @20 mins later i could here the faint humm of a 4 stroke so i got ready and took off.

We meet back up south of the hogs back near guildofrd and went down low for some low level flying.... The wind as very light so we chased each other around some trees and bushes.

A great end to a great flight

sounds like a great flight mate :D

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