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Hi All

I have spoken to barry, He has been in contact with Paul the land owner. The grass has not been cut... :roll: We have approached him asking if we could cut a section, we have also offered compensation for his loss of income from the Hay,

There was one answer NO

The hay/grass is long over due to be cut but due to the weather they can not do it. I personally think/hope they will be able to do it next week as we should be getting some dry weather..

Fingers crossed.

It is still flyable at Hambrook Just! if your have good ground handling or not underpowered. I have flown a few time from there latley...

I should be away after Steves wedding27/28th for at least a week so i will pass the key back to barry.

If you have any questions please give me a call



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Not in any way directed at you or Barry.

But I am quite dissapointed by the fact we are paying for this field and its also being used for another income! Which then effectively restricts our use

Belonging to the short arse clan, makes wading through knee high grass a drag!!

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Not in any way directed at you or Barry.

But I am quite dissapointed by the fact we are paying for this field and its also being used for another income! Which then effectively restricts our use

Belonging to the short arse clan, makes wading through knee high grass a drag!!

I would say it depends on what you are paying.

under £100 then cant complain.

Over £200 then a permanent cut area.

Over £500 then exclusive use depending on size and area.

Have a look at the prices being charged for land to rent, if you can find any to rent that is.


Forest of dean, Have not worked out how to launch from trees yet.

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Well normally it will only restriced us for a couple of weeks a year before its cut and is still useable in the right condtions. Its just a shame the weather has been so crap so could not be cut.... ALSO not been flyable.... so we have not missed much in the way of good flying. I do suspect the field will be cut at some point this week and as steve is busy with his wedding and will then be on his honeymoon it is not restricting your flying anyway!! :wink:

Fields are very hard to come by and paying for the use of this field @£50 per pilot per year or ten months if the hay is not cut, is nothing. Barry gardener charges £10 per day and i think robin's field in brighton charges £5 per day. I could spend £50 in two weeks easy if i had to fly at Barry G's .

The owner never used to charge us for the use of the field untill it got busy. Everone wants to make money these days, And to be honest i would have done the same, But Paul the owner as far as i know is going to put a small club house type structure on the fields behind the flying site with toilets etc "when i dont know" the money we all put towards this site is going towards it.

We currently have 10 members/paid flyer's. But i know of 8 other pilots who want to fly at hambrook and with the airspace restrictions that are in place at the moment we could get at least another 10 pilots who would like to fly from there....

Anyway i will inform everyone when it has been cut.

Michel is flying from Habrrok tomorrow!! :wingover:

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Not in any way directed at you or Barry.

But I am quite dissapointed by the fact we are paying for this field and its also being used for another income! Which then effectively restricts our use

Belonging to the short arse clan, makes wading through knee high grass a drag!!

I would say it depends on what you are paying.

under £100 then cant complain.

Over £200 then a permanent cut area.

Over £500 then exclusive use depending on size and area.

Have a look at the prices being charged for land to rent, if you can find any to rent that is.


Forest of dean, Have not worked out how to launch from trees yet.

Hi Pete

our site is over 600m/600m and we pay £50 each

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As an example....

In the early days, it cost me £50 a (MONTH) to have a small bit of cut grass on a South facing slope and visitors had to pay £10 a day!

BUT.... the grass was cut 100% of the time and he would support me 100% when locals moaned about the fun that I was having.

Even the RC guys at Membury are paying £200 a month between them.

This is just to give some scale as to what sort of number will get a land owner fully on side. :-)


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  • 5 months later...

Hi Teresa

As far as i am aware Hambrook is now closed... The owner is not prepared to give us another key he also said they may be putting live stock in the field or renting out the small fields next door for horses... We have been using it But time to look for a new site.. :cry:

Best to contact Barry to get full info...

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