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Change Thottle Hand


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Have a question. I'm left handed but fly with right handed throttle control. I fly a Dudek Nucleon 29m. Now I'm having some uncomfortably with the throttle, break and grabbing wing tip steering when needed.

I'm looking to get the Cameleon digital throttle control to help out but the big question is should I get the left hand control instead of the right as its best to spiral and do hard turns to the torque side. I'm thinking if I get the left control it will be one less thing in the right hand.

Anyone try this before?


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I know one guy who switched to left handed with the Cameleon and said it became instinctive within a few minutes. I considered it (as better for camera work) but since you aren't actually holding anything the rest of your hand is free for other stuff anyway.

Reckon it is probably the easiest way if you want to change throttle hands.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I have just fitted a right handed cameleon finger throttle. I thrashed around trying to decide whether to go right hand or convert to left.

But after much consideration and as I take a lot of SLR photos, I decided that a right handed throttle would work better for me.

I really like this throttle and the right handed one was clearly the right decision for photos.

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I use left hand throttle- pretty good for camera use, etc.. I find that my turn direction for reverse launching is influenced by this- i always turn to the left to launch. While i think switching hands would be easy enough- getting used to turning to the right would be harder to get used to.

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