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Learning in Somerset

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Hi eveyone, I live near Taunton Somerset and would like to start paramotoring. I took up paragliding and got my club pilots licence, but in 1992, and flew for a bit but I found that it clashed with work too much, and so gave it up. Is there any where near that will teach me? I would think that I would need to start from scratch as it been so long since I have flown. I am a farmer and would love to be able to see the farm from the air, now that I am older (47) I have a bit more time to devote to it. Thanks James

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Hi, like you I have just returned to the sport from a long break from paragliding, I re-trained with a great instructor in south wales, got me back flying in no time, really helpful and willing to spend the time to make sure I was safe and comfortable with what I was doing, more than happy to pass on his details.

I am trying to get a Bristol / north Somerset club off the ground (no pun intended) so if you fancy travelling north for a beer one evening there are a couple of us that would be happy to share any collective knowledge.

Good luck, look forward to flying with you soon


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I will be popping down soon after Xmas also ( as soon as they are back to work ) if you want to hook up.

And I will do you a good discount for some good Cider from a local farm. :-)


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