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Calm before the storm

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Sunday afternoon near the Wash was forecast for low winds, sunny spells & no rain showers untill late evening. Mid afternoon conditions looked ideal with some cotton wool clouds looked fun so went for a fly.

After 30 minutes flight heading East to Kings Lynn I looked back to see the biggest black storm cloud with a column of rain heading for my take off site. Infront was blue sky, low tide, miles of empty beach, mud flats & exposed mussell beds. Thought process was keep going, by the time I get back the storm will have passed. Conditions were actually pretty smooth. :D

The clouds were moving pretty slow & as I headed back the first storm had passed my landing site but a second would arrive about the same time as me. The only thing was this time the rain was accompanied by lightening ! Decided to follow the Wash round to get up wind of the 2nd storm and then tack East / West and follow the storm cloud as it headed South. Saw a couple more lightening forks in the cloud which made for some anxious times :shock: As soon as it cleraed I landed back at base after 2.5 hour flight (thank goodness for 4 strokes). The misses was gob smacked I hadn't crashed or landed out.

Calmest dam storm conditions I have ever experienced. :!:

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I got caught out flying a glider in simlar conditions i opted to go in a wide arc and follow the storm through had a couple of scarey moments full brake and still got drag up towards a black cloud. As i came round back of storm and came in for a landing only to find the entire field under about 6 inches of water spectacular landing through the flood water though servere bollacking from the CFI.

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I got caught out flying a glider in simlar conditions i opted to go in a wide arc and follow the storm through had a couple of scarey moments full brake and still got drag up towards a black cloud. As i came round back of storm and came in for a landing only to find the entire field under about 6 inches of water spectacular landing through the flood water though servere bollacking from the CFI.

Full Brake??

Surly the best option to (loose) height is to go to full fast?


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SIMM I'm not sure whether Neil is referring to a glider. Plane type? Maybe I'm reading it wrong :-)

Think you might be right. Gliders have air brakes which are big slabs which come out of the top of the wing to spoil the airflow, slow the plane and kill lift.

Sounds bloody hairy!

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