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Would love to Paraglide - but live in Bury St Edmunds!

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Hi all,

Would love to get into Paragliding, and more specifically Paramotoring. Thing is I live in Bury St Edmunds and I wondered what my options were. I don't want to have to travel for miles but there aren't many hills.

Is there anywhere nearby doing towing? Rattlesden for example?

Also I have read the thread on Rougham for use for Paramotoring but not much is said there. I have seen people flying around my area (I live in Beyton and someone flew over my house the other day and waved at me and my daughter - anyone?).

I really need to know I am going to be able to do this once I learn before I bite the bullet.

Any advice/help greatly received.


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You have Alex from the lemmins in braintree, or we are down in southend ( barling) Vince ( custom air ) is quite close to you also . Have a look on the google map a few threads down .

Sure you will probably find someone on your doorstep. ! We seem to be scatered everywhere, pm me if you want to pop down to barlin and see whats it all about.

You dont need a hill :wink:

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there is a tow hanggliding club on the A140 near mendelsham and a tow paragliding club at beeston in norfolk but both require you to be a BHPA club pilot with 10 hours flying under your belt before you can join them as they dont do the training and so its back to the frustration of learning to freefly where as paramotoring you can learn locally and you dont need a tow as a flat field will do



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