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Simons crap speech!


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What a crap speech! for such a mad first year with so much going on.....

I did not say enough thanks!

Too much to say did not want to turn it in to a long speech but everyone who has been here to fly has helped to make this happen!

2007 has been a great year all in all for the Lambourn Club, the Paramotor Club, and all its members!

This site is 100% without doubt the best paramotor club on the net, & the sky! Todays and Tonights turn out has proved that, THANKS! THANKS! THANKS!


Now then what's next....????...?????

O yes... the Tip to Tip! gulp, loads to do........ must not sleep....... must keep planning....zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz


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Its the only time you have not had much to say :roll::roll:

Great evening but ended too early, nice and warm last night up at 7am tea bacon,sausage,egg and fried bread then had to come home as the Mrs could not get a lift to work.

Hope you all had a good hangover and a flight this morning.

I didn't.. DOE :evil::evil:


Simon I look up to you mate(and everybody else as it happens)

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Now then what's next....????...?????

O yes... the Tip to Tip! gulp, loads to do........ must not sleep....... must keep planning....zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz


No Mr W you are not quite correct. NEXT is the trip to Italy, flying in the Dolomites and the Casteluccio region (home of Fly Casteluccio Paramotore). (although t to t training is before that I do concede)!

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