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Paramotoring in Netherlands - Arnhem and Nijmagen

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I am going to the Netherlands duing the summer for a few days and I was thinking of taking my paramotor with me. I will be around the Arnhem / Nijmagen area.

Has anyone got any experience of flying in that area. Any specific rules to know about, any good sites to takeoff and land etc? Obviously I will need to have my insurance squared away by then (waiting keenly for the paramotor club option to be finalised).

I am waiting for my application to the netherlands paramotor forum to be activated so that I can ask the experts but I was wondering if anyone from this forum had been there as a visitor.



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I'm pretty sure that the rules in the Netherlands are a bit stricter than some other EU countries, for instance I believe that you need to be registered and display your registration number on your wing. How you go about getting registered I've no idea.

Then again I could be talking absolute bo**ocks.

On the plus side there's no danger of flying into any hills :) .



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Sadly you are right. I have just had confirmation from the guys on the Dutch paramotoring forum that you have to be registered to fly in Netherlands and that you can only fly from registered sites. There aren't even any registered sites near where I am going.

How lucky we are to be unregulated. Long may it continue, with the PMC semi-officially self-regulating us!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Dear fellow pilots,

I am new on this forum. I have been paramotoring in the Netherlands for two years now, Why the Netherlands, of all places. I am Dutch and I live there.

Flying in the Netherlands is not a problem, as long as you stay away from controlled airspaces, danger and restricted airspaces, etc. Just as in every other country. We are not allowed to fly low level. The minimum height is 500ft. The maximum altitude (MSL) is 1200ft. There are some areas where you are allowed to climb to higher altitudes. If you are not sure, stay between 500 and 1200ft.

If you have to overfly a village, climb to 1000ft.

These rules are similar to the Dutch ultralight regulations.

To take off and landing. We used to have a so called "article 14 exemption". It basically ment, that you had to go to the landowner, get permission, the mayor, get permission and then to the IVW (CAA) and get permission again. Pay the fee and you were allowed to take off and land from that location 50 times a year including a set of rules on top of that. Every year you had to get an extention.

It all changed on November 1st, 2009. A different set of rules was implemented which basically made it's even more difficult to take off and land. You could get a temporary permit for 11 days a year. Fairly easy to get, but quite useless as well. You could ask for more locations, but that was not the idea behind this option. If you would like to fly more than 11 days a year, you should apply for a more or less permanent location.

The best option would be to get an exemption for paramotors. We got it now for hot air balloons and free flight parapente/delta. We sure hope that we can work something out with our local CAA. We are working on it.

It is indeed true that you need a registration (like mine: PH-9C6) and glued in your wing.

This thread was also about Arnhem and Nijmegen

Most probably it has to do with operation Market Garden, the battle for Arnhem, September 1944.

19 September 2009 the 65th commemoration was held at the Ginkel Heath, one of the dropping zones west of Arnhem. About 1000 paratroopers were dropped during the commemoration.

In the morning we were flying with flags (British, Polish, regiments, etc) around the heath. After the droppings we went up again. The spectators loved it. In the evening we flew with 10 paramotors from Ginkel Heath to the dropping zone where John Frost and his men were dropped. We flew the routing that they followed to get to the Arnhem Bridge, later named after John Frost, the "John Frost Bridge (see picture below).

During the flight I explained (by radio) to the other pilots what had happened in 1944.

We returned just before sunset at Ginkel heath. Needles to say, that all pilots where pretty much impressed about what had happenend.

Below a GPS plot of all the flights that I have flown on September 18th and 19th. Left top is Ginkel heath, right side is Arnhem (bridge).

The picture below the GPS plot was shot on the 18th when I flew by myself to the John Frost bridge.



A beautiful movie about paramotoring and the dropping on September19th has been created by one of the Dutch pilots:



Happy landings,

Frank Moorman

http://www.frankmoorman.nl (website about my paramotor experiences, Dutch language)

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Most probably it has to do with operation Market Garden, the battle for Arnhem, September 1944.

Yup - this is exactly where I wanted to fly. I was hoping to take off from the Drop Zones that they landed at during the war and then fly over the bridges.

Many thanks for the video and the map - it must have been a good day's flying.

Shame that it will not be possible for me to do it as a visitor, but if the rules change then I would jump at the chance to take part in a flight like this!

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Hi Peter,

Indeed, it was a very special day.

I arrived on friday. We were allowed to camp aside the heath. We made a couple of flights. Since the whole heath was declared take off/landing area, low flying was allowed within the perimeter.

The weather was great, nice temperature and hardly any wind.

The next day, the commemoration day, we had the same kind of beautiful flying weather.

On sunday we woke up on a fog covered heath...it was my 18th wedding anniversary as well....an excellent reason to go home.

I am very interested in what has happenend during the 2nd WW. A couple of "events" caught my attention more and more over the years: Battle of Britain (the histories turningpoint), Market Garden, Overlord (D-DAY), Ardennes 1944, etc.

I was born in Eindhoven. Eindhoven was liberated on September, 18th 1944. The liberation was part of operation Garden. The allied forces moved northbound from Belgium, via Eindhoven to (planning) Nijmegen and, as the main goal, the south side of the bridge at Arnhem.

Operation "Market" was the dropping part west of Arnhem. The goal of these troop was the north side of the bridge. The rest is history.

Peter, you are British (at least, I assume you are) and you mentioned Arnhem, Nijmegen and flying in one sentence......:"Market Garden".

It is indeed rediculous that foreigners can't fly in the Netherlands. To be honest, I didn't know that. I learned it from the answer on your posting on the Dutch paramotor forum. I will try to figure out what we can do about it.

All the best,


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