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Forces Children Trust


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I spent some time looking into Charities this morning (with a view to picking one or two for the Lands end John O Groats flight)

This is one that pulls my strings. This problem happens, and indeed has to a good friend, leaving his wife and 2 young children behind.


I would like to suggest the above charity as a possible beneficiary from this mad event.

comments expected.......

My only concern at the moment is that it seems to be aimed at One Regiment (which is no good) I will confirm this. Still a good charity to be made aware of though.

Anyone else got ideas?


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Children's charities will always get good results.

Air ambulance as well.

I do a lot of work with "Flying Scholarships for the Disabled" but as the task is foot launched it may seem inappropriate.


Having said that, comments on what is and isn't foot launched has got me thinking about arguing that someone in a wheel chair should be considered "foot launched" as the wheel chair wheels could be considered as their "feet".

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I have have spoken at length to Denny (who runs the charity)

They do cover ALL armed forces members, Army, Navy & RAF. I also found this

Financial Start Financial End Income Expenditure

01 Jan 2004 31 Dec 2004 £14,687 £1,137

01 Jan 2005 31 Dec 2005 £7,689 £468

01 Jan 2006 31 Dec 2006 £4,605 £5,342

As you can see, this is not a huge fund when you consider how many people are effected. I recon we can double this fund for next year.

What they do...

They provide todlers and children whos mums or dads have been killed or badly injered while serving in the armed forces with events like a visit to lapland at Xmas time.

This is now 'my' chosen charity, I need a thumbs up from the other piliots please.


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Got my vote. I think the clincher is as asquadie proffered, small charity - big effect. These guys get very little and it is high time they had some support. Being an ex 'Forces brat' myself and having served HM in a small and inconsequential way, it is a cause close to my heart too.

On the PR side it is also great. The country wants to see provision being made for our forces dependents and the Air Ambulance has particular relevance for all those who travel - anywhere, let alone Land's End to John O'Groats.

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I could go big time rant on this one........ we expect so much of our forces and pi** on them in return.... no flack jackets ... boots that fall apart.....global profile with a backyard budget.......sorry but it really gets me angry and then when children and spouses lose their loved ones ... its a charity that steps in to help.???....YES gets my vote BIG TIME........step up and support our people putting their lives on the line for us and show up the snivelling politician scumbags who send them out to do it.

sorry but I am so angry about the pitiful support our troops are getting. :x:x:x:x:x:oops:

A great charity to big up.

and , of course, the air ambulance :)

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