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Affiliate clubs.


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As a few people have already sussed out, one of the main ideas behind the affiliated clubs is that we can arrange fly-ins to each others sites.

It will be a better way to get more people from arounf the country more involved with club flying activities..... (Lambourn is great for the M4 corridor types)

Somerset now covers a little further South

Martin is taking Oxford (I think)

Anyone up tut North or anywhere else for that matter, who would like to start an affiliate club?

I cant wait to do some Club Hopping, Club V Club comps, Club BBQ's !! and of course things like the Italy trip and the Xmas doo will continue to be arranged by me as normal :D:D


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Iv got 100 acres and two good pubs. Six pilots use the site so far. Camping is allowed and porta loos are provided (it is used as an agricultural show ground in th summer). Hey thats an idea! Whats the rule on flying in at gatherings od mor etahn 1000 people again? Just need a site between me and Lambourn now. :P

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Im right on the Leicestershire, Derbyshire, Staffordshire and Warwickshire boarder. All four counties are within a mile. Who has flown over four counties before then? :D

Simon, Im not sure on planning rules so in the meantime anyone is free to email from the forum to get the locationuntil I can establish if there are any rules re number of flights etc.. I seem to think there is something about 28 days per year one can fly from the same location. Once i have establsihed what the regulations are I will "publicly" display site details on the forum. :wink::wink::wink:

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Im right on the Leicestershire, Derbyshire, Staffordshire and Warwickshire boarder. All four counties are within a mile. Who has flown over four counties before then? :D

Simon, Im not sure on planning rules so in the meantime anyone is free to email from the forum to get the locationuntil I can establish if there are any rules re number of flights etc.. I seem to think there is something about 28 days per year one can fly from the same location. Once i have establsihed what the regulations are I will "publicly" display site details on the forum. :wink::wink::wink:

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There are now (already) two affiliate ' Paramotor clubs ' Somerset and Oxford.

I know that many of you are from the Oxford area so please consider yourself (a member of the Oxford branch) and go and say hello in YOUR forum.

Not sure if we have many people from Normans nexk of the woods (Somerset) but if we do I am sure the same will apply there as well.

Already now, we have 3 sites which are all going to be a hop away from each other :D:D:D:D


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Hey thats an idea! Whats the rule on flying in at gatherings od mor etahn 1000 people again? Just need a site between me and Lambourn now. :P

CAP393 Section 2 Page 5

(e) Flying over open air assemblies

Except with the written permission of the CAA, an aircraft shall not fly over an organised

open-air assembly of more than 1,000 persons below the higher of the following


(i) 1,000 feet; or

30 March 2007

CAP 393 Air Navigation: The Order and the Regulations

(ii) such height as would permit the aircraft to land clear of the assembly in the event of

a power unit failure.

(f) Landing and taking off near open air assemblies

An aircraft shall not land or take-off within 1,000 metres of an organised, open-air

assembly of more than 1,000 persons except—

(i) at an aerodrome, in accordance with procedures notified by the CAA; or

(ii) at a landing site which is not an aerodrome, in accordance with procedures notified

by the CAA and with the written permission of the organiser of the assembly.


You just need their written permission and fly according to the "rules of the air"

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  • 2 weeks later...


For us to complete the Tip 2 Tip 2008 flight, We will need the help of all of our members through the UK to set up affilate clubs for us to land at. I have Guessed the rough route out (Norman is doing the real one) and I now know a good chunk of the counties we are passing over (and thus require clubs in)

Do you live in one of the counties below?

Do you want to set up a little club in it?



Somerset (Already covered)


Berkshire (Already Covered)

Oxfordshire (Already Covered)


Leicestershire (Already Covered)



Lancashire (Already Covered)



Dumfriese-shire (should be covered by a South Scotland club)

Lanarkshire (should be covered by a South Scotland club)


Inverness-shire (should be covered by a North Scotland club)

Ross-Shire (should be covered by a North Scotland club)

Sutherland (should be covered by a North Scotland club)

Cahness (should be covered by a North Scotland club)

Thats 20 counties and 16 Clubs!!!

All that you would be asked to do is, be the moderator of your own forum, and arrange a landing spot for our flight.


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