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Paramania Revolution 30m 'Red hot'


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For sale, one excellent wing out of the factory less than six months and flown 1hr 10mins and in prime condition with tip steering kit. I have ground handled the wing for around eight hours.

This wing has been stored clear of sunlight in a warm and dark place. It comes with Paramania Rucksack/stuff bag (mint) and assorted Paramania Gizzits.

Why am I selling it? It is slightly too small for my weight, I need a bigger wing to launch consistantly in light wind conditions.

For sale at SOLD SOLD SOLD

For photos see my Album - graphic here soon.

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so what's the new wing going to be ?





Synthesis 34 after I give it a go, maybe next month. The Revolution is a great wing but I need a little more wing area I think. It will make launching a lot easier for me. The 30 is a little small for my 6'6" and XXXkg's.

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You will not be dissapointed matey :D

I had yet another great flight this morning on my synth (synthia) , as you all know....... :roll:

I am now busy wiring in the 'full' set up, so that I have a fixed controller on the right hand swing arm, to turn it on/off and high/low.

I am cant wait for the snow :D:D:D:D Silky smooth crisp air of the frosty morning sunrise. with the misty potholes on the ground 3000ft below. Its the best time of year to fly if you have the salt in you to get out and do it.


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You will not be dissapointed matey :D

I had yet another great flight this morning on my synth (synthia) , as you all know....... :roll:

I am now busy wiring in the 'full' set up, so that I have a fixed controller on the right hand swing arm, to turn it on/off and high/low.

I am cant wait for the snow :D:D:D:D Silky smooth crisp air of the frosty morning sunrise. with the misty potholes on the ground 3000ft below. Its the best time of year to fly if you have the salt in you to get out and do it.


Slight change to above,

I have now fitted it, and tried it (dry run) and not only is it high/low as I said before but......... its 1 to 9 and let me tell you this, If you have it on 9 and your on the ground on a cold day, you will be too hot!!! The front heating up makes a massive difference. I feel as though 5 wil be ample for winter flying much more would be too hot I recon.

Other good feature, no panic to get off the ground before you get too hot... launch settle, then turn it on at the oush of a button and you get 'almost' instant heat. Just when you think that you are Soooooo happy you have one on it gets hotter..... and hotter.... LOL its just the Biz!

This Jacket can be tried in the barn when I am in it with the Parajet. ( as I have now hard wired it in ) I welcome ALL of you to pop in on the coldest day you can to try it out :D:D

Still dont know what the price is, but I have some wires and stuff (with price list for Paramotor Jacket) on Monday..... Will also have lead time and be able to take pre delivery orders.

Ta Ta 4 now......


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I will sort out a) Speed

and B) heat for you on Sunday.

I will bring the jacket and a full battery, so people can fly with it (2.5 hours total) so will have to limit it to 15 min flights. Everyone will be able to plug it in to my motor on the ground and put the jacket on in FULL HEAT mode..... No sleeping though!!!!!

Ball park I recon if you went for a bike jacket of this spec I would expect to pay about £250-£300 ish BUT BUT BUT BUT

I just dont know, I am testing the all singing all dancing version (anyone with a Parajet wont 'need' a remote battery.

Please have a go with it on and see what you think....

I WILL have prices for the Parajet / Paramotor kit ( will contain electrics for any 12v motor with charging system) on Monday mate.


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