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Was This You??


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Got up this morning and did the early morning thing of walking the dog and studying the weather..................yep its flyable.

The car was alreday loaded.

On returning across a field near home jeard the familiar buzz of a motor, looked up sure enough a paramotor.

Closely paired up was another one, both pottering about.

Then another pair of paramotors behind them? All happening around the Swanley area around 8.15am...........was it you?

Sorry not 100% clued up on wings but one was orange with a blue leading edge and the other was blue with an orange leading edge.

If its you guys.......do you fly locally etc etc?

Would be interesting to find out?.


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After watching the mysterious foursome this morning I packed my kit and went to my usual site..........................a bit too gusty and the wind would make it difficult for me to clear the pylons!!!

Went to another site which tended to be a bit more favourable so I prepped everything and was up after only five steps!!

Once up visibilty was a tad hazy but lovely. It got a bit bumpy but now that I have experienced that in my prevous escapade at Luton.................I wasnt fazed.....but wary all the same!

I flew over my house and for the first time had a grand stand view of Crockenhill my village just outside Swanley....................it all looks so different?

My GPS read 40mph and I flew 16 miles with a maximum height of 1922ft. I thought i would of used more fuel flying up wind but probably made up for it on the down wind speed. I was finding lift on ploughed fields and woods, also the M25 at one point providing a few jolts to keep me in check!!

Landed and of course had the 'de riguer' grin we all tend to have when privledged to fly!!!!!

All in all a lovely 44 minute flight with 2.5 litres of fuel used.

Now.................who were those four paramotorist?


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Hi Mike.

Good to see that you are getting some good flying under your belt!

Parajet are working hard to get my machine up to spec, so am looking forward to flying with you again soon.

Hopefully the mysterious 4 will get back to you. Would be good to know a few more pilots from our corner of the country.

Best regards,


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Did they get it all done or only a part leg of the journey?

Hmmm, get a few more hours under my belt and perhaps I might plan for that epic trip?


Must be bummer not to have your kit back? My machine is always available so you only need to ask?

Andy did call me Tuesday for lessons but I already had work things planned for the day so couldnt fly. :(

The flight was brilliant, but I have to make sure I dont get above myself and think that this flying lark is a doddle - its not!!

I think we have to just find a permanent flying site and get others out the woodwork to join us and get the Kent Branch up there with the others?

The site I have, can only be flown from a south /south-westly wind aspect as there are pylons to the left hand side........................ i now have permission to fly from there!!! Ok I told them it was a giant kite with a incy wincy little motor.....................but its beside the M25 so noise isnt an issue. You could fly with a north/ north eastely wind but there are electricity cables there that could be cleared easily enough............................with plenty of confidence?

No, the Brands Hatch area is the one I am trying to secure as that has all aspects available.

Come on who else out there has suitable sites to try? :)


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I secured the use of a massive flat turf field near Ivychurch yesterday.

Its away from the road behind a locked gate which I was given the combination code for, and being on the Romney Marsh it's snooker table flat. It is also closely cropped at the moment and the land owner says that he has no plans for it for at least 12 months!

Flyable from every direction as several hundred metres long each way with small hedges around some of the perimeter (on google earth looks like about 300m x 400m).

Will be up for a fly from there as soon as I have my motor back, so will send an invite for others to come along on the first weather opportunity after that. Lydd airport is a little further out on the marsh and they have a live online weather dashboard which should hopefully save some wasted journeys.

Brands hatch would be properly cool though!!!

Best regards,


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Hello! Yes it was us (Michel Carnet, Laura Turner, myself (Tom) and my brother Ben Clowes flying around London. We left at approx 5pm on Wednesday from Guildford and flew clockwise. We were all flying Bailey 175 machines except Laura who was on a mini plane. We flew over Henley on Thames - low over the river - lovely evening and then refueled at a fuel station north of Bovington airfield. Onwards to Potters Bar where we landed in the dark - just inside the legal time! The field was cold and hard! We carried sleeping bags and bivi bags - Michel and laura slept under their canopies - Ben and I slept in the open under the stars. Up again at 4.30am - Ready by 5.30am with damp wings and nil wind with heavy load. Once airborne we followed the M25 flying over Epping Forest and then skirting airspace before heading south towards Damyns Hall airfield and crossing the Thames at Dartford and the bridge there. Over Dartford and we flew East of Swanley low in the valley reducing the amount of headwind. We were low waving at dog walkers - it was epic! Then at Chevening Park we flew south of the North Downs to Clackett Lane services - we refuelled there. We hurried in the strengthening wind and made it back to Guildford just in time by about midday. Approx 280km I think - not checked gps as now busy back at work dreaming of next vol biv adventure! I'll be posting photos on my blog shortly. Tom Clowes

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No, did not land in carpark - actually landed in a field on Clackett lane itself which leads to the services. Have landed at Clackett a couple of times - several juicy fields to choose from near the woods - watch out for the power lines in some of them though. Short walk to refuel, do the checks and then off and away...

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