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Tip to Tip Meeting Friday May 8th


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There will be a Tip to Tip 2010 meeting at my house, on Friday the 8th of May.

We are going to start pulling the team together now so if your not at this meeting, it is not likely that you will be going to Australia.

I will have had a good brief from our fellow planner, Patrick regarding permissions of each of the areas we are flying through / over, and we will start to look at the route in more detail.

Also, have a think about this charity, http://www.globalangels.org/pages/5748/Home.htm as I would like to suggest that this be the beneficiary of any charity money raised by this trip.

Please let me know if your coming, if the numbers are higher than I expect we may have to go to the pub. :D

Time to get the ball rolling!


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Unfortunately I will, by the evening of Friday, be settled in a Youth Hostel (stop giggling in the back there boy) in Hawkshead in the Lake District. I guess that means I'm ruled out of the trip, which is sad, but hey, I guess you have to draw the line somewhere.

I hope you have enough time to get all the planning elements brought together, as time is pushing on, and whatever you do, please don't take short cuts.

Good luck everyone, sorry I'm not going to be able to add my bit to the pool.


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Meeting at Ashbury (Wiltshire) which is a tiny village at the Rose and Crown pub. And then 'depending on numbers' moving to my place or sally anns.


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