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Saturday at the Flagpole


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All, left Farnborough and the rain at just before midday and got to the flagpole where the weather was good for flying.

My machine has had its problems but l would like to thank the staff at Parajet for there help in getting me and my machine back in the air.

I had a good half hour flight today, good take off but took it easy and stayed in sight of the field just incase. I varied the throttle quite a lot as Parajet had renewed practically the whole of the engine and so gave it a sort of run in period. Landed, although beyond my intended spot due to rising air from the edge of the field.

Many thanks to Dave (Outcast) for bringing back my wing and Mark (photographic) for carrying my bits. (Will have to get fitter :-) )

All in all a great day.

may there be many more.

Mike S :):)

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A great day, It was good to see that it turned out flyable for the entire day. (in fact it still is now!)

Good to see both the Daves!

Dave (Outcast) had a slick take off and landing 'will be in the PMC 2008 vid 'coming very soon'

And Dave 2, on day one of his training, did very well indeed!

Colin 2 spectating, Mark 'Dragon' even put some air into his wing :D

and of course Mike, with his shiny Macro back nice to see you smile after a flight!

I have another day 1 tomorrow and I am fairly sure that Colin 2 is popping up with Colin 1.

Anyone else fancy an easter sunday social / buzz around at the flag pole?


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Indeed an enjoyable afternoon. it was good to float my wing a few times, I'm sure the confidence will come back pretty soon. A welcome coffee with Bill and Sal on the way home made it the perfect day.

Nice to meet the two Daves and colin 2 and be able to add a few more faces to the names..

I still felt the day had ended too early when I saw the parachutists, half a dozen balloons and some microlights still up there as I was on the M5.

Still there's always tomorrow :wink:

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Weathers looking good for Easter Sunday so shall come down and see if I can still remember what I've been taught and get some more practise in if thats ok.


Good luck if you go down Sunday Tim, I would love to join you but work calls, remember all we learned in France and go for it.


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My first day of training yesterday and I'm hooked. I've done all the reading/researching but it all becomes more real when you put a harness on for the first time. Thanks to Simon for being patient with me, it can only get better mate. Thanks also to Dave (Outcast) and Colin for the help and encouragement. Special thanks to Colin for helping to rescue my lines from the tree that jumped out at me! :oops:

Can't wait for day 2. :D

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Hi Chaps, was good to see some familiar and some new faces up at the flagpole on saturday, only had the one flight and it was a bit of a mixed bag, the general weather conditions looked good, so I performed a reverse launch and got away from the field, thought I would fly out to the white horse and then maybe have a little wiz around the wind farm too, got up to a little over 1000ft and started along the valley, got to within spitting distance of the white horse when things started to change, the air really started to get rough and throw about a fair bit, I thought I would climb a bit and see if it smoothed out, however the further I climbed the worse it seemed to get, I dont mind when the wing surges forward a bit as its commen and and I am now used to giving it some brake to damp it out, however I was starting to get some quite violent gusts throwing my sideways, I also felt quite a bit of sink, I dont mind admitting that at this point I was experiencing a few brown trouser moments, still climbing I was now over the white horse when I noticed a microlight and come to join me and decided to circle around me for a bit, so intent on watching what he was up to I did not notice I had now climbed up to 2200ft and was under some quite low cloud, I was really getting bucked around now and decide to turn back to the field, I eased off the throttle and started back down the valley, I dropped to about 500ft on the way back it began to feel quite smooth, I made one pass at the flagpole to eye up the windsocks and came in to make a lovely landing, stepping gently onto my feet, a little longer than I liked but still a good one none the less.

Not the best of flights but it was still a part of the learning curve, one wich I sure would have happened sooner or later, I found the edge of my comfort zone thats for sure :D

Davef, it was good to meet you, you did a hell of a lot better than I did on my first day ground handling :D

Mike no worries, RE: the wing, I couldnt watch you lug that big old macro up that sloap only to have to go back for the wing.

Till next time chaps, have fun and fly safe :D


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