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Home Safely


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Hi All,

just a quick post to let you all know that I made it home safely after my little mishap in France (NOT FLYING RELATED). The good news is that there's no permanent damage and nothing to stop me getting back in the air :D

The bad news is that there's now a big list of people who I need to buy a beer (you know who you are)

I'll be posting a more detailed account of my time in France (which was 100% positive) in my training blog soon.



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Thought Ken might have some more info on what happened but it seems that no one is sure!

We were out on the last night in France having a meal and Togsie got up and said he needed some fresh air and was'nt feeling well (it was very early in the meal and he had'nt been drinking).

As he reached the door he passed out/fainted (not sure exactly) but as he fell he hit his head on the very hard tiled floor which was why the precaution was taken to get an ambulance.

Whitters sorted out Ken and Simon (along with their steaks) and after some checks at the hospital Ken was released okay. I am sure if I have missed anything he will jump in and straighten me up!

It is great to hear that he is okay and I look forward to doing some flying with him at Lambourn very soon



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Quite handy having a man like Whitters about!!! Glad Togsie is recovered and back with us all - quite a shock alround I should think.! Ken - any advice on that first venture into the blue with a fan strapped on my back , a rack sack on my arse and a kite above my head - would love to know....!

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Hi Pegasus,

You’re absolutely right about Whitters ; in fact since I’ve been home I’ve been re-evaluating the make up of my personal entourage and I’ve decided to get rid of my Feng Shui consultant and Astrologist and replace them with my own personal Paramedic.

As for advice about that first flight – ENJOY IT! :D



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