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Need a beginner wing for underpowered motor

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Hello everyone!

I am brand new to the community and would like some help making the most of a less than pristine situation.

The bad news:

I have acquired (cheaply I must add) an Adventure F3 with a solo 210 engine that produces about only about 100lbs of thrust.

I am 41 and 20lbs heavier than the last time I stepped on a scale. Which puts me at 205lbs (200 naked).

The good news:

I have 400 acres of farmland to use when and where I wish in Western PA.

My mother lives 12 miles away and has a huge field in front of her house which I can use as well.

My sister lives approximately 25 miles away and has about 25 acres of field (landing area not prepared...yet).

I can still run my ass off.....for about 50 yards!

I am determined to make this dream a reality... even without the lastest & greatest equipment.

I am also determined to lose this extra weight I have acquired (where the hell did it come from?).

Please help me get off the ground faster & get me to my destinations with your wing selections!

Not looking to ever do aerobatics & such. I will probably have to go with a used wing as well.

I look forward to your suggestions!


Sorry I didn't convert my Lbs to Kgs....I need to get my kids off to school!

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HI and welcome to the paramotor club forum

I would look at the largest wing that you are within the weight range on as this will give you maximum lift.

Depending on what wings are around a non reflex would be a good bet but may not get you anywhere in to wind if its blowing a bit.

Pete b

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Hi Leadweight,

Welcome to the forum.

So you're about 93kgs, the F3 is usually specified for a max pilot weight of 90kgs. I don't think you will have a problem particularly if there is some wind to help with lift.

Any beginner wing with a rating of about 130kg all up should get you off the ground. Good technique makes it a lot easier but that only comes with more flights unfortunately.

Good luck with your search,


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Thank you gentlemen!

I guess I confused myself with the all-up weight limit of the Apco Prima 27 which is 70-90 kg.

This wing came with the F3 and I had planned on using it for ground training only.

I am very relieved to hear I am not as under powered as I had originally believed.

I am still open to your suggestions for a good beginner wing that I will still be able to use for short cross country flights.

I don't want to be limited to flying circles around corn fields.

Thanks again!

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I fly an F3, and at my top weight, before I started dieting, I was close to 260 lbs naked. Together with a Swing Arcus in XL it got me into the air, albeit with a good hard run.

Oh, my F3 has the tuned exhaust and oversize head, so it probably makes a little more than standard, but you shouldn't have any real problems. I'm now down to 220 lbs and hoping to go lower still. Hopefully I will be shifting to a reflex wing in the next couple of months, rather than the emergency roof for the Albert Hall that I have at present!

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Now that is funny stuff! Maybe the Ringling Brothers need a spare Big Top! Just a little "light" humor.

Seriously though...thanks for the reassurance that this F3 will get me above the tree line.

I am leaning towards a basic used Paratoys wing.....maybe I watched to many "Salton Sea PPG" videos.

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