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Speedbar Steering

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Speedbar steering that is causing the wing to turn busing a combination of asymetric application of the speedbar coupled with weight shift - it is safe or not - does this depend on the wing? ie Reflex or unreflexed. It is certainly possible to do but does this bring with it an increased risk of a leading edge tuck? I have heard that it should not be done but have never heard a satisfactory reason as to why not - can anyone help?


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  • 1 month later...
Speedbar steering that is causing the wing to turn by using a combination of asymetric application of the speedbar coupled with weight shift - it is safe or not - does this depend on the wing? ie Reflex or unreflexed. It is certainly possible to do but does this bring with it an increased risk of a leading edge tuck? I have heard that it should not be done but have never heard a satisfactory reason as to why not - can anyone help?


Hi Mark,

I have also tried this. The only problem I found is that you tend to weight-shift to the wrong side. If you could somehow reverse the speedbar lines, you would be pushing with, say the right foot, which would accelerate the left side of the glider, while the weight shift would also be to the right.

As far as being dangerous, I can't see it being any different from normal speed bar application.


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I have used the speedbar to steer a para'glider' before and it seemed to work just fine :D As with anything to do with flying I suppose as long as you keep movments slow and progressive you should get plenty of warning if your doing something wrong.

'by no means a master of the subject nor something that I teach'

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There's no problem doing this on reflex wings and very little risk on traditional wings (subject to normal caution over using speed bar).

The easiest way is to stick one foot on one end of the speedbar The bar will automatically go lop-sided. When one leg gets tired, use the other one.


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  • 9 months later...
Sorry guys, but for the dumb...........or should I say newbie (in laymans terms)................................................................. what does a speed bar actually do? :shock:


Makes the wing go faster :D

No really that is what it does. It reduces the angle of incidence (of the wing to the pilot) and thus the angle of attack to the incident airstream.

OR if you prefer the literal answer it shortens the A risers some, then shortens the B risers a bit less, then shortens the Crisers (if you have them) less still and leaves the D risers same length. So the angle of the chord line (imaginary line joining leading and trailing edges) with the path of the glider is lowered. This results in less drag and so more speed. (it changes the Lift to Drag ratio and so changes the glide ratio - you fly further for a given height loss on a glider or further for a given power input on a PPG)

It is a piece of string attached to the front of the riser set each side and a bar across the harness under the pilot's knees. It is applied progressively using your feet.

By applying speed to one side of the wing only, that side is encouraged to fly faster than the other side so a turn is induced.

There is a diagram at http://paramotorclub.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=833 that describes the angle of attack.

Just realised that it also needss a diagram to describe the action of the speed bar :oops:

but you can see the parts named at least.

Simon are we going to finish that job? someday? It is supposed to go in the front page links aint it? are you busy these days or summink?

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