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Guest leoibb

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just mentioning really i went to a reserve talk from a paraglider bloke that used to run s i v courses pretty informative really , at one point he took a reserve and tried pulling it and it took two people to get it out of the container so as a result i came home and pulled mine out just to be sure it would come out because apparently a lot are very tight and dont come out like you would want them to, i just thought i would mention this as it might be worth while some of you chaps just checking yours, very doubfull we would ever use them but its no good if it dont work

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Good one.

The Paramotor Club is going to arrange an outdoor version of the Big Fat Re Pack, which was started by two very good friends Richard Prout and Mark Taggart (the best sales person in the world!)

We will have a zip line (death slide) and the guys from Gin uk to repack your reserve after.

Every year the paragliding lot at the big fat repack, find many faults / niggles. Some even dont have the handle attached to the deployment bag! :shock:

More info soon.


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you chaps will prob know this but it was said doin a throw and repack isnt enough apparently it needs to be done and done and done again it needs to be like puttin your foot on the brake just automatic without thought so what was sugested is rather than throwin and it opening maybe put the reserve in a bag and tape to stop it opening and you can throw and put in container loads of times and you not havin to repack everytime , i dont know a great deal but it seems a good idea and more productive than a throw and repack, i know the repack is handy to know but to repack in real world we got to get to the ground safe and if it aint nature to throw it right then the repack is useless? whats ya thoughts

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yes seen them on you tube my thoughts is it aint enough to be goin down a wire and release it because reality it aint gonna be like that we might be upside down or spinning for me i wouldnt attend one of those as its kids stuff

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how else could we do one? well i think the sliding down a line isnt really the real world altho helpfull it aint ideal as for how i my self have hung in garage and have my mate spin me which again aint ideal but its a little bit more real.

we could throw ourselves off buildings with a bouncy castle bellow lol?

i dont know really it needs some thought i am sure between us we could come up with somethin

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It is not designed as a simulator

Its designed to see if it will open or not.


And I think it does that really well.

There are many situations where a simulation isn't going to be even close to real life, but given the number of throws that fail on a zip wire where the conditions are relatively benign, I think that it is a darn sight better than nothing.

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You can go on a SIV course ( I reccomend Jocky Sanderson ) as a first port of call.

He will be more than happy for you to chuck your reserve over some water and he will even send his divers / boats to get you.


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I help out every year at the BFR and every year l see reserves pulled but do not deploy for one reason or another. Some of these reserves are strait from retailers, so all reserves need to be checked and this is the closest you will get to the real thing.

I agree, you are not plummiting towards terrafirma or spirilling out of control or have a paramotor on your back but isn't it reassuring that you know your reserve will at least deploy (thrown in clear air of course)

The BFR is on every year at Reading usually in March. and is well attended. Normally an attendance of around 120 pilots.


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how else could we do one? well i think the sliding down a line isnt really the real world altho helpfull it aint ideal as for how i my self have hung in garage and have my mate spin me which again aint ideal but its a little bit more real.

we could throw ourselves off buildings with a bouncy castle bellow lol?

i dont know really it needs some thought i am sure between us we could come up with somethin

Go on an SIV course.

Pete b

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  • 2 months later...

Very interesting - Would have been better if they hadn't edited the video so that we could see if he stayed on his feet! That was quite a hard landing.

I do like the idea of the possibility of steering after deploying a reserve so that your fate is not in the hands of lady luck once you deploy. Being able to steer away from roads, train tracks, pylons, buildings, water etc is quite attractive.

As for being able to fly home? :roll: Assuming the motor/harness wasn't a reason for having to deploy, and that the wing wasn't caught in the prop is suppose it might be possible.

Food for thought.


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Nearest I can find there is a 140kg version and a 180kg biplace version.


Under nav pane - paragleiter, retungsereate, paillon (xl)

Use http://babelfish.yahoo.com to translate if needed.

Seems apco has a copy of the vonblon design as well, but only to 130kg:

http://apcoaviation.com/products.asp?se ... =guided_md

And yes, I'd like to see the fellows knees fail under that sort of descent. It almost looks like he dropped a flare and accelerated that last bit.

Poor timing perhaps and likely the reason for the edit.

I wouldn't expect to fly it home, and there is a pretty serious AOA while his prop's spinning, but it does speak to having options under reserve for sure.

Steering is a bonus, no sense giving it up just because the regular canopy disagreed with you.

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