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I would like to know what you guys use do you use a vario/gps/airmap? or nothing i gues your going to say depends on the type of flight you going to do as i guess its not like free flying when you nearly always go ready for an XC just incase you hook in to a corking thermal.

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I would like to know what you guys use do you use a vario/gps/airmap? or nothing i gues your going to say depends on the type of flight you going to do as i guess its not like free flying when you nearly always go ready for an XC just incase you hook in to a corking thermal.

If only that were true!!!!

I use a magnetic compass, a Brauniger alt/vario (pressure) a solario vario (pressure) a garmin 76s gps c/w airmap and a pda running xcsoar flight computer (also with airmap + terrain elevation matrix + gps vario + wind dir + l/d calcs +++++ ...)

All this fits onto a supair flight deck.

I try to fly with all this every flight but sometimes go without any just for a sunset or a heightgain play around.

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I would like to know what you guys use do you use a vario/gps/airmap? or nothing i gues your going to say depends on the type of flight you going to do as i guess its not like free flying when you nearly always go ready for an XC just incase you hook in to a corking thermal.

I've tried a few gadget....

The best and most used is the wrist Garmin GPS £60 ebay - it has all the info I need (altitude, speed, moving time and trackback) for most flights. It is the safest to use as I can keep looking where I'm going, lift my arm and it's the closest to a head-up display!

The best value is the £20-£30 altimeter watch from Lidl/Tchibo, £10 ebay wind speed meter that sometimes keeps me safely on the ground!

I also have airmap A4 size case £15 with a full size vario (£???) and 76C Garmin £99 with enough airmap info added. I take these on longer or new location flights. Although I find that I don't look at these extras that much, more nice to have proof of being outside airspace and a back-up for the wrist one.

Before I bought the Garmin GPS, I've borrowed and played with iPaq based memory map, GPSdash etc. but the poor batttery life, poor visibility in sunny conditions and then having to reboot it at 1000ft convinced me that any Garmin is more practical/trusted.



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outkast,have you started flying yet mate?

just waiting for the man upstairs to supply some suitable weather, I was ready yonks ago but up until now not got the chance/weather opportunity :cry::cry::cry:

The site down at westmill is not really suited to a newbies first flights so I may have to go up to Paul haxbies field or find another bigger site nearby.

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Well, once I'm at the stage where carting stuff into the air in addition to myself doesn't feel so daunting, the plan is for my 'avionics stack' to consist of;

Garmin GPS Map 295 with current aviation database (a little bulky, but an ace GPS)

ICOM IC A24 Airband Nav/Com handheld transceiver.

Yaesu Vertex VX2R VHF/UHF transceiver

Becker Mode C transponder (see posting in comms section for more info).

Brauniger IQ Motor Vario/Altimeter/Tacho/CHT gauge

Suunto X-Lander wristwatch Compass/altimeter

The two radios will be monitored simultaneously with a PTT for each, possibly on brake handles.

And yes, I am a frustrated PPL/Wannabee airline pilot/techno-geek.

I reckon if I can lose 2 stone (which is a realistic target for my lardy a**e), then AUW will be fine. All will run on self contained batteries rather than the onboard power to avoid a lack of spark situation, and also to cut down on interference issues.

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well i am off for a fly tomorrow so hope weather stays ok but i am off up with a compass altimetre airmap will be in pocket but will have it i will go yondering within ten mile i assume all instruments are ok if you are in unknown teritory and going far

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do you run all that with an on board generator :lol:

surely you dont need all of that to go cross country a map/compas and a vario would do?? too many buttons for my liking :D:lol:

no buttons. I set it all up preflight just observe it in flight. except the pna which is touch screen. it all fits on a 250x150 deck and all run on own batteries. each backs up some of the function of the others. xcsoar also manages FLARM alerts and airspace proximity warnings. my xcs involve close encounters with classD and CTAs so yes I think the info and redundancy is needed.

I use the same kit for pg xc here and in europe. although I carry radios I don't use them.

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Phil, after a few more flights carrying all that gear you'll soon start wanting to leave it all behind! I'm carrying less and less every time I go out to fly.

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Hi v32nb

I see you fly with a bailey how do you find it to fly? is that your first paramotor if not how does it compare to others you have flown ie power/ wieght/ running costs etc. As now i have flown with simons parajet the other day i am seriously looking for some kit but am still in two minds what to get. The bailey is more money and there dont seem to be many second hand ones around "and i am not to keen on second hand" simon said to me that i really didnt need the bailey as i wouldnt be doing long flights in my early days in paramorting. and they dont have as much power and are heavey? When i flew the parajet it seemed fine all but the power band that took a bit getting used to and it looked great "i know no reason to buy because of looks" and help you have would be great

many thanks

mark morgan

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Hi Mark, you are not far from me so PM me your phone number and I'll drop you a line. I have owned a few paramotors now and flown with 2 stroke, 4 stroke and electric power so am building a good picture in my head how I plan to take my paramotoring future.



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Hi v32nb

I see you fly with a bailey how do you find it to fly? is that your first paramotor if not how does it compare to others you have flown ie power/ wieght/ running costs etc. As now i have flown with simons parajet the other day i am seriously looking for some kit but am still in two minds what to get. The bailey is more money and there dont seem to be many second hand ones around "and i am not to keen on second hand" simon said to me that i really didnt need the bailey as i wouldnt be doing long flights in my early days in paramorting. and they dont have as much power and are heavey? When i flew the parajet it seemed fine all but the power band that took a bit getting used to and it looked great "i know no reason to buy because of looks" and help you have would be great

many thanks

mark morgan

imho bud, go parajet or similar, the bailey's frames are nice, but like butter ( unless you go titanium i suppose ), one bad landing or launch and your into a new frame which cost 700 quid. having said that they do look gorgeous! but as for power -- the macro wins for me.

ive seen a few tumbles on the macro ( including one of my own ) and they are bloody robust! my friend just sold his bailey on paramotors uk after damaging the frame twice - 1500 quids worth! - he just couldnt afford to keep up the sport.

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i know i dont have any exp with paramotors but i would have to say that having 50+ hours paragliding and over 40 hours hanggliding i should be ok!!! I think you have to agree simon my first landing with a paramotor was spot on :lol: "on my feet" and the second would have been ok "on a fusion i might add" if it wasnt for the fact that your field had one to many lumps in it!!!!! :cry: "i am still nursing my ankle" :lol:

so just becuase i dont have any hours on ppg dont mean i dont have any exp when it come down to flying or landing/taking off

"sorry got out of bed the wrong side" :P

I will get my coat :lol::lol:

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Fair doos.

I agree your flying and landing was spot on. my point was not to 'diss' you.

The fusion can be landed by a blind one handed person though I recon LOLOL

ALSO (I think we should run a 'real name' policy) as I have just sussed out who you are.)


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I was curious to know what experience was involved because purely in my opinion the Bailey is a machine that someone buys because they have a specific need for its special capabilities. Consequently I personally feel that there are other machines that are more suited to beginners in this sport. People with paragliding experience would probably cope with the 4 stroke very well but I wonder if it is advisable to start with a simpler 2 stroke to find out if you really need the benefits of the 4 stroke.

Macey's friend has really proven my point quite nicely as he has dived in at the deep end and made a mistake for his level of experience. Had he bought a light weight 2 stroke (PAP top 80, Bailey Snap 100, etc) he may well have built up his experience to a point where his wing handling could have been second nature while he then learned to cope with the extra weight when moving to the 4 stroke. It would be such a shame if the wrong machine for his ability causes him to give up on the sport.

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It would be great if we could arrange with as many of the other motor manufactuers as possible to bring along a motor or two for people to test fly..

I for one would love to give it a go, I wonder how well the industry would take the idea though?


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