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They are off


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A very hectic night and incredibly tired team with wet kit and damaged motors.

Morale really needed a boost and this was helped by the turnout at the field followed by a superb spread laid on by Sally Ann & Bill.

Suspense builds at the field, sunset adds to the atmosphere


Lovely welcoming poster


Then the formation appears on the horizon


PeteB flaring to land


SimonW clearing the hedge


Awesome landing into the sunset




If you need more power......


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The whole squad arrived at Ashbury (Lambourn) in one form or another. Equipment, pilots and

some ground crew having taken a right battering over this particular leg of the journey. Wind direction

was favourable for the preferred, 1st choice, landing field and thus guarenteeing a soft landing!!!!! (

I've never seen soooo many cow patts in all my life, humungous some of them were. I'm sure those

cows were aware of the occasion and dumped some extra large ones LOL).

A big thanx has to go out to Sally-Ann and Bill for their outstanding hospitality. Colin, Mike, Togsie

and Simon P were especially greatful for a good solid meal and watering! ( Colin even preaching

his gratitude before eating his meal. Good on yer Col mate).

It is a relief to see the squad get out of that 'swimming pool' called Cornwall and start making some

serious headway into the milage, at one piont it seemed as if the whole event was going to be halted by

the lack of time and sh1te weather. The time constraints have meant that the pilots have been taking

off outside the normal 'window of opportunity' thus putting themselves and equipment at a greater

risk, calculated risks that HAD to be taken. As a result, their supply of props are virtually exhausted and

it would be absolutely criminal if the equipment was the fatal stumbling block to this event after the lads

have managed to claw their ways out of the 'Toe' of England..........but the saga continues.

All The Best.


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Great to get updates guys,

Are all the 6 pilots still flying?

Interesting to read about the props, is the problem on launch or is there other factors involved in them breaking?

Hopefully the spirits will be high again after their meeting at Lambourn, tell them they are being closely watched around the world with everyone willing them on.....

Keep up the mighty good work guys....Bear and Gilo eat your hearts out :D


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And they are off again. Just left Ashbury around 3:45pm. Everyone had a safe take off. I have just heard that Francis has just had to land though. Quite exciting to keep tracking them on the move. They seem to be making great progress.

Great to see you, my darling Simon. Missing you like crazy now that you have gone. Have a safe journey. FLY SAFE!

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Wow what an epic journey in the wettest, windiest summer ever!!! The lads doing well and made of firm stuff. Fantastic to see them all here for a quick pit stop and now roaring north on another leg. Amazing paramotor pilot feat indeed to go down in history, (we want to buy a DVD by the way lads so we can see the grins on your faces at John O Groats), and what a fantastic ground crew, spearheaded by Weesplat Col, keeping the whole show on the road and up in the air. FAB JOB BOYS. Keep infront of that rain and keep those spirits sky high. So many people are behind you all, families, friends, members and their friends, I know, all glued to that tracking and wishing you the very best. :D

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Two superb legs today completing seven whole days of TipToTip has seen the guys arrive at Derby.

A weather system is due to hit tomorrow lunchtime so they are hoping to be up early surfing the front North with some slick refueling before being pinned down by rain.

Keep your eyes on the local BBC as there is talk of a live broadcast sometime after 8am, may even filter out to the main channels.

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Just chatted to Whitters, they were led into Eddie's field near Derby yesterday under blue skies by a couple of the lads (probably Eddie). The weather is turning this morning as it has started to rain, they hope to get out and follow the decent weather North. Time is getting a little crucial but morale seems to be good despite their problems.

Publicity is vital to get the money flowing for the charities and Simon W spent part of this morning chatting to the BBC. I don't have much more than that, let's wish them well and hope the public is touched by the causes and the efforts being made to help very deserving causes eh?

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Just got off the phone to Simon (Skype-Mobile) and got an update for you. They will be staying in their current location, Derby (Duffield) this evening and trying for launch tomorrow morning. They will be Yorkshire bound after filling up on wonderful hospitality from the folk around Duffield who have been magnificent in their support and generosity by all accounts.

The lads have been talking to BBC Radio Derby on and off all day passing the word about the Event and the motivation behind it.

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Yes Frazer, i don't know if anyone else is time pressurized by the delays but this is the current state of play.


1. Simon Westmore Leader

2. Simon Payne

3. Richard Whitmarsh

4. Pete Baldwin

5. Dan Burton (air film unit)

Ground Support

Tony Fisher

Colin Borland

Ken Toogood

Dave Giffould (Biker Support)

Mike Silvester retired at Lambourn after a magnificent battle and some personal bests.

Francis retired at Derby due to other commitments.

The GST (Ground Support Team) remain unchanged as of AM 6th - general consensus among those directly involved is that they have been MAGNIFICENT.

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Looks as though they will get wet for a day then perhaps have a clear day when the depression makes its way through. That is probably why they are pressing North missing out Clapham. Shame that as a welcome I feel sure was awaiting.... Distance matters though, particularly when you are this far behind.

Go boys go!

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