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The Lambourn Club uses the Thames Valley Club frequency which is 143.950 (it has been this for many years as far as I know and is used by some 700+ Paragliders.)

We use the same one as not to annoy any more people than needed and it helps us to locate free flyers who land out and may need help.

Hope this helps.

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The Lambourn Club uses the Thames Valley Club frequency which is 143.950 (it has been this for many years as far as I know and is used by some 700+ Paragliders.)

We use the same one as not to annoy any more people than needed and it helps us to locate free flyers who land out and may need help.

Just so that nobody is in the dark...

143.950MHz is a frequency in a band allocated by Ofcom. As such it is illegal for anybody to use it without a license issued by Ofcom. On the other hand Ofcom and the CAA seem to have taken a pragmatic approach for the last few years and there is no reason to think that will change. Just remember that if you ever realise that you are interfering with someone who has paid Ofcom for a license to use that frequency then your only option is to stop transmitting.

There are two good reasons why I care about this and I'm happy to explain them to anyone in person. You'll understand why.


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Radio's are a tricky subject. They generally involve licenses for the 'installation' and for the 'operator'.

Air band VHF requires both but getting information out of any of the organisations that deal with PPG/PG is a little difficult. They don't seem to know the regs and direct you to their 'Radio Member'. Because most people are happy to use the relatively safe (illegal) system it isn't an issue for them. The 'Member' liaises with the regulators through the CAA about once in a millennium to see if anything has changed and if there is need to 'change the unofficial view.'

2M VHF - Stuart just covered this one very well.

The out-shot of this is that we are left to read between the lines.

I suspect that the CAA/Ofcom don't really want to become involved in the (expensive) administration of a system that licenses PPG/PG pilots and their aircraft. They have looked at the problem and... it doesn't seem to present them with a problem. So they don't worry about it. Ask them a formal question though, and you will get the formal reply - 'licenses required'. There is no other formal answer that they can give you.

I would be very grateful if anyone can further enlighten me. I have both 2M and Air-band transceivers and will use them both. I am licensed to use Air-band but my craft isn't. I will be talking (quietly) to the authorities about an installation license as I can't afford to pee the CAA off and need to protect my position. I also want to get to the bottom of this quandary and find a definitive answer.

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