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Hi All,

I was over at Lamborn on Saturday and there was an interesting debate taking place about different reverse launch techniques. Some people seem to favour holding both A's and one brake in one hand and the D's and the other brake in the other hand. Others prefered to forget about the D's altogether and hold one A and a brake in each hand.

What are the advantages of one method over the other and is it dependant on the type of wing that you're using? What method do other Synthesis owners use?



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I always hold one A and a brake in each hand.

I then have control over BOTH 'wings' the left and the right when bringing it over my head. I was taught this method by the BHPA. and have never had a problem with it.


On an Action I also use an A and brake in each hand.

I've read about in high winds (HIGHER than I will fly), one hand on the A's and the other on the C's thumb inwards. I played with this in gusty conditions (in big field, flying suit etc.) and pushing down the C's, it seemed to collaspe quicker than my normal method.

I won't change my flying A and brake, but it is nice to know in marginal conditions I could abort to the pub quicker!



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From what I can make out this is very much a personal preference thing. In high winds and with lower performance gliders, hands on the rear risers can help kill the wing. Higher performance gliders tend to be easy to kill with brakes alone.

Apart from that, try different techniques and see what you like. When I fly solo, powered or free flying, I use one hand for both As. For tandem is use separate As and steer the wing a bit more.

There isn't a right and wrong. If it works for you then its right. Best bet is to stick with what your instructor recommends for you and then, when you've mastered it, play with others.



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I have found that in strong conditions holding the C's enables you to slow the wing down as it rises by pulling down on the C's, this and prevents the wing from hoiking you off the ground, of course if you are sensible you will not even be even inflating the wing when it is this strong, but even in moderate conditions you could get caught out by a gust. You are also in a better position to kill the wing if you have hold of the C's. Some wings just cannot be killed with the brakes in strong wind.

I agree that you should try different techniques with your own wing as a technique may work well with one wing but not with another

Paul D

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