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timmers for landing

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Hi Guys

What trimmer setting do you use for landings ( I have a reflex wing) I have been using neutral or just open a bit similar to take off but I am thinking a little more trim out will give me slightly more speed and control nearer the ground especially in conditions where the wind speed drops very close to the ground. A bit like using ground effect in a conventional aircraft/microlight.

Thoughts please

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I use: neutral (middle, or line) for take and off; full in for landing in wind under 6 to 10 mph; above 6/10 mph then neutral. However, lots of people prefer trims at neutral for the greater speed it gives and the higher pressure feel of the brakes.

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I use trims all the way out for landing every time whatever wind there is on the ground - it gives far, far better flare control and brake feel - firmer, but i prefer it.

With trims in the brakes feel mushy and soft, the flare is vague and timing is critical, you only get one chance and if you flare too early or mis-judge the wind you have nothing left for another go...

You`ll need to adapt your landing technique slightly, though - one big final flare is no good - you`ll gain unwanted height, you have to give just enough brake to level off and swoop over the ground then a final full flare just before the stall when the speed decays.

The ground speed difference is not so much, really - or i`m just used to it!

It also makes you able to `drop in` to a tight landing site as the sink is higher and it increases your accuracy. With a wing that has a high glide ratio judging your landing spot requires more care and space. I often glide in from 1500` + with motor off.

^^All this was borne from my first year or two after training when my landings were consistently, err, inconsistent, the further i trimmed out, the more success i had and i`ve been doing it ever since.

So yeah, don`t be afraid to experiment.

I have just bought a new wing though, so might have to adjust my landing technique again to suit the rather quick nature of the new wing - i think this wing will be plenty fast enough with trims in....

Edited by Hann__
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11 hours ago, chrsfrwll said:

On my Dudek wings (Universal and Solo) I have trimmers all the way closed / fully in for take off and landing. Not had a problem yet. 

Hi, same here! (universal). Seems to work fine.

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Thanks for the replies

I flew yesterday in a strong breeze and used more trimmer and the two stage technique ie a little brake then bleeding the speed off until a final flare It was all very controlled and when the wind increased I could bleed the speed of and touch down as the wing slowed and not even had to take a step. Just walked the wing then applied power for another practise. Great fun.

However, I have ordered a new Solo so will ask Simon which technique is best for this wing.

Stay safe



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