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Ozone Roadster 3

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Hello! :)

Roadster3 has finally arrived, I flew it just 2 hours, but enough to understand the main differences  between her and my old wing.

(Size 26, my weight is about 120-122kg in flight)


Easy, REALLY Easy...First day I took off with NO WIND at all, and the inflation has been nice ad easy, but compared to my old wing (windtech honey pw size m) I had to run a bit more, because the takeoff speed with hands up it's a bit higher

just  pulling a bit the brakes, the takeoff becomes much shorter



Definitely reactive, No need to pull hard the brakes to make good wingovers, see video below: 

Easy to turn and fun if you want! :D



I flew with 2 friends, both with Speedster 2 size 24, both lighter than me, 106-108kg in flight. We had same speed. Compared to my old wing, is about 5-7kmh faster


Flight in turbulence:

For me it's a bit difficult to explain this feeling in english, but I'll try.

With the old wing, when the air was bumpy, I felt something like driving the car on the street bumps with a good speed, a firm shot, that often scared me. Now it's totally different, now the feeling is like cruising on a boat with slightly rough sea. It moves, but softly...Hope you can understand :D



the approaching speed is bit higher than my old wing, but the wing efficiency is higher, so also landing in no wind is easy becase the flare is very long and helps a lot to lose speed (see attached video, it was the first ever landing with the R3, in totally nil wind)

that's all for now!

Hope helps!




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For all the Roadster pilots,

I found my R3 24 to be a bit slow in turning and response. Last day I attached the wingtip handles to the brakes.

The difference is very noticeable! Now it feels more agile and reactive. The downside is that the brake pressure is higher, but nothing exaggerated.


Edited by GerardTC
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Thanks, Gerard. I fly a Roadster 3 and find that to get a more responsive turn I have to swing the opposite way first. I'll have a bit of a play with the tip steering in the air and get a feel for it, then I'll likely tie it into the brakes for 2D steering. 

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