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hi I've been trying to get a demo on a paramotor wing...? I've contacted clive mason. and paul bailey.  both helpful but they both have no demo win for me to try.?  now this is how I see it. anyone who sells paramotor wings needs demo wings for anyone to demo.so the manufacturers the makers post on to the dealers so they can sell. so where does this leave the customer ??? up the creek with no paddle. I want a demo to see if the wing is for me or not?  e.g. in the states I may be wrong pilots can contact the wing dealers then they post the demo wing on. here's a video that I found .... geez things need to change..... times like this I think about having a test drive with a brand new car...  no hassle test it and if happy buy it. if not happy.try another car test drive?     or iam I the only pilot that has trouble trying to get a wing demo????   


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For people who are buying wing 2 or 3 I think you are 100% correct. 

When I started Paragliding about 15 years ago, I was given an Ozone Electron as a demo wing for 3 weeks (which I ended up buying) 

I think the problem is, that unless you (as a dealer) have a massive pot of cash flow available to put into say 3-4 different size demo wings for each of the 2-3 new wings... (12 wings ish...) Only to then send them out to never be sold as new wings if you are lucky enough to get them all back.

As it happens, there should soon be a Paramotor shop at Membury Airfield where people can try before you buy... Will we have the wing you want though....... who knows.


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hi, simon i agree with you. and as mentioned in usa and maybe other countries they have the same thing.. contact a dealer let him know the wing size and pilot weight then post wing direct to the customer .. and if any damage to the demo wing then would be pilot has a choice to buy or pay for damages. and for which. iam happy to do.i remember i wanted a demo on a u-turn wing and spoke to a dealer in uk and they where very vague.i think they where more paraglider dealer.but anyway i wanted a demo with a u-turn paramotor wing.and they said ill have to put down £1.500.00 pounds. and with that i said no tx ... good bye. hence things need to change..

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