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PMC Bore chasers rules and safety notice.


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Hi all, its that time again where along with many others I am getting super excited about the weekend fly-in. :-) if you are attending PLEASE read this throughly and absorb it. (Copies will be available in the main tent)


The 500ft Rule. It is vitally important that you ALL abide by the 500ft rule during this event. The tide will be watched by many people on the ground (including news and media) As a reminder, the 500ft rule basically states that ‘you should not fly within 500ft of any person, vehicle, vestal, object or structure unless taking off of landing.’ This will include the safety boat on the water and the people watching and buildings along the banks of the river of course.

LOOK OUT. Look BEFORE you turn! look up down and all around and do not turn until you have a clear image of exactly what or who is around you. The most likely accident here is someone not looking well enough before turning!! Take twice as long than you normally do to look out before turning when in busy sky. Please don't be the one who can’t be arsed to look.

Glide Clear. Assuming that you have read the above and abide by it, this very obvious message should not cause any issues. Needless to say, we have a safety boat but given the power of this tide even on a week day. THERE IS NO GUARANTEE THAT IT WILL BE ABLE TO GET TO YOU IN TIME. I have personally watched a bore tide on this river snapping trees in half about 2 foot thick like twigs. The main message here is stay GLIDE CLEAR!

Airspace. As you will have seen, there is an array of airspace to the South of this field. (just over 1000 meters to the South of here is a bird sanctuary which extends from the surface to 4000ft. Adjoined to the southern edge of this are a couple of other ‘restricted’ areas. All of the airspace controllers are aware of our presence and feeling quite twitchy about it so PLEASE DONT fly to the South of our location unless your going to fly around the airspace. If you intend to do this please let Myself or Colin Borland know before you do.

Power Lines. The sharp eyed amongst you will have also spotted the very large power lines a short distance down the river in the direction of the tide (the route you will be taking to follow the tide) You MUST NOT! fly under these power lines. Anyone seen doing so will be asked to leave the site on return. Sorry if this sounds harsh but it is illegal and stupid to do so. When you are flying ‘over them’ make sure you are glide clear in the event of engine or other issues causing you to descend unexpectedly.

Holding area. Due to the high volume of pilots occupying the same air we have assigned a holding area with a simple ‘Right Turn Only Rule’ while waiting for the tide ‘think paragliding thermal gaggle’ There is a graphic of this area in the main tent please familiarise yourself with it before taking off. If in doubt as myself or Colin and we can point it out. Please fly around the edge of the holding area if possible and safe to do so. (more space for others)

River on the LEFT. Again, please refer to the graphic in the main tent to be sure you are clear on this. When following the tide (which will be slower than you) please ensure that you keep the river to your left. You will need to cross the river to fly back up and follow the tide again. So in a nutshell, your main turns when flying with the tide should only be to the left.

If in doubt PLEASE PLEASE just ask, and keep asking until you are 100% sure of what your supposed to be doing.

Copies of this will be available at the entrance along with local airspace charts.

Many thanks in advance for flying safely


Simon W

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i cant find anything relating to 500ft rule for non surface objects?

only the proximity avoidance of collision rule

can you explain the 500ft clear rule as it relates to taking off and landing at a field ie not an aerodrome.

im just interested as im preparing for pilot theory exam, thanks.


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Definition of an Airprox

An Airprox is a situation in which, in the opinion of a pilot or air traffic services personnel, the distance between aircraft as well as their relative positions and speed have been such that the safety of the aircraft involved may have been compromised.

It is not an Airprox if all of the pilots involved are happy to fly and 'expect' others to be close.


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So don't formate on other pilots unless you have their prior permission, as they will be in their right to report an airprox, and you will have to justify why you got that close.

It may seem petty to sum, but there are enough nervous pilots out who would not welcome a close encounter. And yes, pilots have been prosecuted for this very act.

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