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Different speedbar set on Bailey V5 (or other harnesses )


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I've been playing around with different speedbar settings on my Bailey V5, to try and make it more comfy.

The standard set up is fine for short usage, but it's not comfy enough to keep it on for more than 30 mins.

Has anybody played around with different setups (putting pulleys in different places etc).

I'd be interested in other people's set ups, any motor, to look at different set ups.

Pics would be useful.


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  • 1 year later...

Hi, Same question as above really. I only fitted speedbar 2 flights ago and have now had 2 flights with it. With me at 95 kg it is too much for more than about 20, 30 mins tops. Feet go to sleep!

Has anyone ever used a non-return device, such as a simple friction grip used in sailing? Then it would stay put without weight on feet, but easily released just by flicking lines out of the cleats.  There is a small mini-cleat that could readily be attached somewhere along the speedbar cord path.

I can't attach picture cos the site won't let me. Can someone remind of the file attach specs?

This is the simplest, no moving parts, cleat... https://theriggingco.com/2014/04/30/cleats/

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i got a set years ago from a PG shop. they never really worked right though - always were on the verge of popping out.

with my bailey, it was quite a lot of force for full 100%, so what I used to do was stand up basically. not comfortable, but usually unless you've really screwed up your flight plan, speed bar is only to get you out a quick jam or so - I could get 60% speed bar or so easily with feet out front, and that was enough most times I wanted some xtra speed.

the ones I've got are like a wee clip, with a hook on the end and little quick release tabs - you clip the into one of lines on speed pulley, and then when fully engaged, push the hook through the bottom of the riser loop. Then the idea is, a slight pressure on bar, or push on tabs releases them.

But I found they would never really stay put and kept slipping out.

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