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How does the harness attach to the arms on Bailey V5?


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I have just swapped my V5 engine from my Zenith frame into a V5 frame and have a newby question.

It is unclear in the manual how the harness attaches to the swing arms and carabina? Does the strap from the harness go through the carabina as a backup?

I have attached a pic to show the bit i mean.


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Hi Paul, I have just checked on my V5 and you are absolutely correct.

The loop does also go on the carabina.

Cheers, Alan

Thanks Alan, much appreciated.

Another quick question, where do you place your reserve? My Zenith had a container built into the harness on the right hand side.

I have a Supair container which I have currently mounted on the tight clipped onto the side of the frame and the harness. I know some people use them as a flight deck but i already have one which i find handy for stowing my camera etc.

My only concern about having it on the site is causing a slight turn from weight shift and the straps rubbing against the webbing of the harness.

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