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The Route.


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Please could you post a google earth picture of the full Tip to Tip route as it stands at the moment mate. I know your on your way up to my place but wanted to post this before I forget again :roll:

LOADS of people are asking to see it :D


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If you would like to look at the route in Google Earth, download this file, open GE then double click on the .kml file to open it in GE.


NOTE: If the file comes down to your browser as a bunch of text, go to file/save as/ and save to your prrefered location as anything.kml then do as above to open it.

Alternatively you can right click on the link and 'save linked file as' to your preferred location then as above.


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I have been looking for the post where I outlined how to deal with the .kml file when it downloaded. It seems to be hiding so here is a reminder.

When you download the file, some computers see it as a .xml file which essentailly is what it is. What you need to do is save and rename it in the process to XXXXX.kml in you preferred location. Then when you execute it, Google Earth pops up to display it.

Below is a bit of 'eye candy' to highlight the terrain the route will follow in the 'Frozen North'. Amazing photography, you must visit this website. http://www.1photo1.com/ if you want to see more. The images are taken by a talented paramotor pilot, Andrew McMahon who records these sights and brings them to us via his website. Magical!

For an insight for those flying the highlands in July (well all right, August really) - what a treat.



And one 'seasonal' image from the winter ~


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Route Notes

I would just like to emphasize that the route construction has taken a form that hopes to include as many paramotor clubs as possible as the band travels North. We have done this rather than take the shortest route because we wanted to meet and greet as many members as possible including them in what will be a really exciting and positive paramotoring event. Terry and I are not going to exclude any of the planned venues unless we are specifically asked to do so - I make mention of this only to reflect the recent 'turbulence patch' that we have 'flown' through.

This event is going to take some grit and determination to complete, not the least of it before the first pilot leaves the ground and the kind of hospitality and spirit that we have seen to date has been an inspiration to the team bolting this enterprise together.

NOBODY working at the coal face, nor supporting from the wings underestimates the trials yet to come. What offsets the fatigue and sheer difficulty of the effort, is the very motivation behind Tip to Tip - The Air Ambulance Service and its constant need for our support, and those left behind when the ultimate price has been paid by our servicemen at war and in harms way.

The money made from this venture is going to make a difference to peoples lives, people that by definition can least afford, or are able to help themselves.

NB: Scotland has not been deliberately excluded form this map nor forgotten in the process.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Glad to hear that the Dartmoor meeting went really well with great team bonding. No hugging in the heather then Pete B? Sorry I couldn't be there, I am determined to make the next one if I can.


Feedback from the team pilots seems to come from two directions. They want to go at the route on a day to day basis without planned rest stops. That's fine by me, rest will get taken either when the weather or the air/ground effort requires it. This mode may make planning up route activity like PR/News harvesting a little hit and miss but it does make for a more free form dash. We will go with that then!

Route structure in Scotland.


When we started drawing up the route early in the process, Fort William at the Southern end of Loch Lochy/Loch Ness was a route way point. We edged away from that path because of perceived problems with terrain and S&R should someone have problems. I now have full 1:250,000 chart coverage of that section of the route and the feedback from the team is that they would like to go with the original routing. That's great! the scenery and photo opportunities along the way (Ben Nevis etc) are exquisite. Terry and I will redraw the Northern sector to suit. I will push out a Google Earth track in due course so that you can see what the route looks like. The GE coverage isn't that good in the Highlands but it is better than nothing.


We have heard nothing from Leicester for a while now and they seem to have gone their own way. Good luck to them.

They are now out of the frame with regard to stops en-route unless they confirm that they still wish to support the event

All suggestions wrt planning will be well recieved by Terry or myself. Good ideas always welcome! :lol:

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Hi Gordon,

you can now donate via http://justgiving.com/forceschildren or http://justgiving.com/warwickairambulance and the other airambulances will be on line later tonight, I will post the url's by tomorrow.

Donating via these sites trather than directly to the charity site is that we can total the amount that the tip to tip has raised at the end of the event.

Please pass these urls to your friends and raise funds any way you like. The other good thing about the justgiving system is we can see which paramotor affiliate clubs funds have come from and dish out those big cheque things or some certificate after the event as a "thanks and well done".

These urls will be links on a page by tomorrow.

Check out http://paramotorclub.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=1138 for the rationale for this accounting method.

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We have heard nothing from Leicester for a while now and they seem to have gone their own way. Good luck to them.

They are now out of the frame with regard to stops en-route unless they confirm that they still wish to support the event

All suggestions wrt planning will be well recieved by Terry or myself. Good ideas always welcome! :lol:

I hope that with the new accounting system in place for donations the Leicester club will feel more comfortable raising money for their local air ambulance using the T to T event for publicity. I guess the local air ambulance is the Warwick and Northants? or possibly the East Midlands? Both of these will have "justgiving" portals set up. Also I hope Leicester guys will get local Scouts, Cadets etc to help raise the Forces Children's Trust profile and use the http://justgiving.com/forceschildren portal to channel the funds directly to that charity.

Alternatively or as well we can get the local PG clubs involved for stopover and fund raising activities as we all share a common interest in the air ambulance service.

Forum spats come and go with the weather but this is so much bigger than any one of us.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi Dragon,

Stops don't appear as such in the route depicted in the graphic above. Even the bends are not necessarily stops. The we have finalised (in as much as we can) the route we will drop another graphic into this place to give a better idea of exactly where we propose to go.

As for Devon/Cornwall - let's see what the process throws up. We are limited to 10ltrs of gas so if the winds don't blow a little from the SW, we may have to sample the odd pasty here and there! :lol:

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The prevailing winds on that part are Westerlies, although that can be anyone's guess if the last couple of years are anything to go by.

I have some appointments over the weekend visiting people and sites for possible refuelling stops etc within 5-10 miles of the halfway point of day 2. What I intend to do is just gather some basic info, take some pics and pass all this on to Norman for assessment and consideration. The fact that the trip is hopefully going to be accompanied by a media circus of some description will help in some cases(Golf courses, showgrounds and country house hotels), and hinder in others (farmers).

It's going to be an interesting weekend. Fingers crossed :D

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Great picture Dragon and a fab place to land. I need to plot it and have a look.


Woodbury Park - It is a fabulous spot and an excellent potential stop. The only limitation is that is a 58 mile run to Mere from there which might be a little tight re fuel if the winds are not kind. If there is any tailwind at all it would be reasonably OK. This makes it marginal for planning but I will have a fiddle with it.

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Had a day off today so headed over to Axminster.

we have been offered a refuelling site just outside of town next to Yarty Bridge. the field is all but flat and has excellent road access for the ground crew. There is also a second field next door that can be used for parking etc. If you do a Google search for Axminster, then show the sattelite pic, you can clearly see the fields with marquees etc and the parking to the southwest of the town

Photo in my album

for those that know the area, it's the site of the annual Axminster Show, right alongside the A35

An interesting bit of info while I was talking to the owner, he has in the past been happy to allow paramotors and microlights to use his land. Think I'll keep in touch with this chap :D

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Thanks for your help with this!!

Sorry I cant be more involved at the moment, but I am online via mobile phone which is VERY £££££££££££££ so repying in quick time.



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