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Trade Synth for Nucleon

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Ok here's the deal I have an 2012 31m Nucleon but I'm not getting on with it just not flown enough and consequently I'm struggling, so sense is telling me take a step back and return to a Synth so anyone who is ready to move up to a Nucleon who maybe wants to do a deal please get in touch.


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Ok here's the deal I have an 2012 31m Nucleon but I'm not getting on with it just not flown enough and consequently I'm struggling, so sense is telling me take a step back and return to a Synth so anyone who is ready to move up to a Nucleon who maybe wants to do a deal please get in touch.


Neil don't do it, I found the nuc takes a bit of getting used to, especially the launch, I thought I would never get the thing off the ground, however at some point it will just click and you wont look back, , its proberly the best intermediate all rounder out there, stick with it mate and just get down the field more often.

you wont regret it


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Hi, I don't know what issues you are having. But I will share my experience if it helps.

I read the NYC manual and it said to set the Trims to slow on launch, the problem I had was when I did that the wing would hang back and not come up cleanly on launch.

The solution was simple ignore the manual and set the trims a bit faster. I.e. some where between -2 and 0. Rather than -5

It then worked :)

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The Synthesis doesn't like forwarding on full slow and is pure luck if it works.

The Nucleon will launch on full slow just fine, but you need to stay on the A's until your arms are up vertical and the wing is truly above your head. If you let got to soon (which is what most people do that I observe) then it needs coaxing to get it finally above your head, which when forwarding takes up valuable runway.

The synthesis will not coax, and will hang back on full slow creating loads of drag and will not allow the wing to get to the right airspeed for leavening the planet.

So please don't ignor the manual! but a little more trim speed will tidy up some peoples launches ;-)

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I was forward launching and a pal took a video we noted that the centre look like it was about to collapse in, at this point I released the A's and the wing fully inflated it then went left I corrected it was above my head but just as it lifted me it went over to the left dropping me on my arse, now I know I should have aborted well before but it was all head down (well up really) and I hung in there (lesson learnt) trimmers were on 3 and a light wind, I know its operator error and to be fair this is the most damage ive ever done in 5yrs and my 1st prop so cant complain really just always happens when you don't need it.

Im not sure but when trying to think through possible causes I don't know if I did but maybe I keep my elbows into my body rather than outstretched, sort of kinda get the feeling I did...... :oops::oops:

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The Synth is a great wing as with all these things.....

They are all slightly different, its just a slightly different technique for each.

Fly as many different wings as you can, and you will soon be able to feel the differences in each.

One things for sure, they all make you fly! !!! !!!!! :-) :-) :-)


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I was forward launching and a pal took a video we noted that the centre look like it was about to collapse in, at this point I released the A's and the wing fully inflated it then went left I corrected it was above my head but just as it lifted me it went over to the left dropping me on my arse, now I know I should have aborted well before but it was all head down (well up really) and I hung in there (lesson learnt) trimmers were on 3 and a light wind, I know its operator error and to be fair this is the most damage ive ever done in 5yrs and my 1st prop so cant complain really just always happens when you don't need it.

Im not sure but when trying to think through possible causes I don't know if I did but maybe I keep my elbows into my body rather than outstretched, sort of kinda get the feeling I did...... :oops::oops:

Neil the nuc has a stitched mark on the trimmers for launch, its out 2, 99% of the time I launch with the trimmers in that position, they like to be snatched of the ground two, just as it rises and is inline with the thrust of my motor I give it a little blip of throttle wich helps it pop up, they do like to keep moving on launch so once above you get running.

check out my steering the nuc around ahay bale last night lol

https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=10 ... =2&theater

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