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Hull Aero Club Flyin


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Hello all we will be having our first flyin of the year at the Hull Aero Club on the 3,4,5,6 of May.

You will be able to camp and fly for the above dates the site has toilets and a club house.

There is a 20 pounds flying fee for the whole four days all proceeds raised go to Hull Aero Club which pays towards the cutting of the grass etc on the large field they let us use, cheers Alan.

PS if the weather is poor we can move the dates forward to the 26,27,28 of May as there is a general fly in at the airfield.

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Hello all we will be having our first flyin of the year at the Hull Aero Club on the 3,4,5,6 of May.

You will be able to camp and fly for the above dates the site has toilets and a club house.

There is a 20 pounds flying fee for the whole four days all proceeds raised go to Hull Aero Club which pays towards the cutting of the grass etc on the large field they let us use, cheers Alan.

PS if the weather is poor we can move the dates forward to the 26,27,28 of May as there is a general fly in at the airfield.

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  • 3 weeks later...

[bJust had a chat regarding the weather and only Monday is looking flyable we will make a decision lunchtime tomorrow and post it on here if we cancel we will move it to the general flyin in a few weeks time cheers Alan.][/b]

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Hello all, with only Monday looking remotely like flyable we have decided to cancel and wait for a better weekend sorry for any inconvenience this may cause but the object of a flyin is to fly then talk crap lol.

We will post and email you a re arranged event in due coarse cheers.

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