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I'm really keen on starting to learn paramotoring early next year, I've been wanting to learn to fly in one form or another for some time now and this appears to be the cheapest and lets face it one of the most fun! I live in Torbay and have seen quite a few people flying around before now, but was wondering is there anywhere local to me that offers training? Also from those of you who have been flying for a while what sort of costs should i be looking at? I've done some reading and it seems training should be around 1/1.5k? is that about right? what about running costs, I assume pretty cheap (varies depending on the engine i guess?) also what about maintenance costs? is there much in the way of this? any help would be great, thanks :)


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Welcome along. You are right about the training costing about £1000.

Maintenance / running costs are very variable depending on whether you fall on your arse or not. Seriously though, I broke 2 props in my first year, both dodgy take off attempts which I look back at now and wonder why I even tried that. Now I know better, make better decisions at take off sites and have learned through experience how to launch better.

I use about 5 litres an hour plus 100ml of oil so cost per hour is probably about £8.

There can be big maintenance costs or none depending on which motor you buy. You should try to catch up with some local flyers and ask all your questions to those guys. Also,reading through this forum helped me a lot.

All the best


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I assume wooden ones would be cheaper then? also do the wings control similar to that of a powerkite? used to do a lot of that a few years ago and wouldn't have thought it would be all the different. I've also had a few goes on a parachute after skydiving, i can't imagine it being different from that as it's basically the same principles.

can anyone offer any good areas to read up on? like the need to know things, the more i start to read now then hopefully when i come round to doing training I'll have a better understanding of what to expect and might pass through training quicker if that's possible :)

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can anyone offer any good areas to read up on? like the need to know things, the more i start to read now then hopefully when i come round to doing training I'll have a better understanding of what to expect and might pass through training quicker if that's possible :)

Stock answers for this question are nearly always this:


and these:


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I'm really keen on starting to learn paramotoring early next year, I've been wanting to learn to fly in one form or another for some time now and this appears to be the cheapest and lets face it one of the most fun! I live in Torbay and have seen quite a few people flying around before now, but was wondering is there anywhere local to me that offers training? Also from those of you who have been flying for a while what sort of costs should i be looking at? I've done some reading and it seems training should be around 1/1.5k? is that about right? what about running costs, I assume pretty cheap (varies depending on the engine i guess?) also what about maintenance costs? is there much in the way of this? any help would be great, thanks :)


Will Hi! Sorry Only just seen your post

I live in South brent - Malin & I have just atsrted up a local south devon club with a forum. There are a few of us about but as yet not really got going yet. However we will be having our first meet and fly in on Sunday 25th November (Venue TBC but probs the Turtley Mill Inn in Avonwick).

Even better - contact Dan at Freshbreeze who is a PPG teacher (based in Exeter):


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I'm really keen on starting to learn paramotoring early next year, I've been wanting to learn to fly in one form or another for some time now and this appears to be the cheapest and lets face it one of the most fun! I live in Torbay and have seen quite a few people flying around before now, but was wondering is there anywhere local to me that offers training? Also from those of you who have been flying for a while what sort of costs should i be looking at? I've done some reading and it seems training should be around 1/1.5k? is that about right? what about running costs, I assume pretty cheap (varies depending on the engine i guess?) also what about maintenance costs? is there much in the way of this? any help would be great, thanks :)


Will Hi! Sorry Only just seen your post

I live in South brent - Malin & I have just atsrted up a local south devon club with a forum. There are a few of us about but as yet not really got going yet. However we will be having our first meet and fly in on Sunday 25th November (Venue TBC but probs the Turtley Mill Inn in Avonwick).

Even better - contact Dan at Freshbreeze who is a PPG teacher (based in Exeter):


Thanks :) I'll have a look at the link and see where that get's me. good to see there is a few around here for when i do start it up, seen a guy fly over my house a few weeks back so i know that some are lurking in the shadows ;) haha. Won't be a while till i get sorted, what with christmas and first year car insurance coming up my bank is gunna take a massive hit, so I'm aiming to start training around jan/feb early next year :)

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