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Were do I start

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I just found out about paramotoring and it has become my priority. It will take some money saving but I feel it will be worth it. But I do not know anything that I need to know about purchasing a wing and motor. Could some one help me out.

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welcome to the forum.

first thing is find an instructor. It would be handy to know whereabouts you are (folks can give you pointers who to talk to). DON'T BUY ANYTHING just yet. Get advice first.

and remember to ask as many questions as you can think of. There's loads of helpful people here.

all the best


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Agreed, you have some good advice here.

There is some videos you can get cheep that help you start to understand things as you save money etc. I forget the names.

Take your time, this sport can cause you to get over excited and make spot purchases. I would also advice you talk to allot of pilots. Try to understand what they like dislike etc. The sales guy will sell you everything he is selling.... and it's the best! :mrgreen:

The best buyer is an educated buyer. Take the time read, read and learn as much as you can. The instructor will help allot. However that being said I'm a little cautions of the instructor that also sells equipment I find you always learn from them then ironically end up flying everything they sell (this can be good and bad).

If you can attend a fly-in too that would be great! This forum has a tom of info. The problem is you don't yet know what you like....

Also stay away from u-turn USA and the owner. Crack job at best lol

Hope this helps. You will love the sport if you love to fly.

Oh two more things if your married I hope your wife is understanding, you are about to pick up some habits most refer to as strange. Also you will never be able to explain to them the feeling of hanging under a cloud no matter how much you try!



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Thank you everyone. When I read the regulations on flying these things, I got a huge smile on my face because I realized how free this sport is. Can some one point me to some good videos? I downloaded a whole bunch of videos but they turned out to all be unpowered paragliding videos, which looks fun too but not as fun,

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Hi. I'm quite new to it my self. I met up with a few blokes from this forum and just watched an talked. Big help and a really good experience. And YouTube rules!! Maybe not as far as learning how to fly properly but great for seeing what the sport is all about and what's possible. Just type in paramotor and you can be there for hours. And as said above you need an understanding other half and prepare to drift off looking at tree tops and clouds for wind conditions.

But welcome and enjoy!!

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